1. wadding 英[ˈwɒdɪŋ] 美[ˈwɑːdɪŋ] 1) 软塞的,填塞的 2. wadded 英[ˈwɒdɪd] 美[ˈwɑːdɪd] 1) 用填料填充的 2) 塞满的名词
1. wadding 英[ˈwɒdɪŋ] 美[ˈwɑːdɪŋ] 1) 填料,填充物 2) 子弹包膛 3) 薄棉纱 4) 软塞,塞料 5) (旧时用于衣服的)填充物 2. wad 英[wɒd] 美[wɑːd] 1) 填塞物,填料 2) 一大块 3) 一束(钞票) 4) (火药)火团词语辨析
1. wadding material:填料材料 2. bullet wadding:子弹包膛 3. cotton wadding:棉纱填料 4. jacket wadding:夹克填充物近义词
1. stuffing:填充物 2. padding:垫料 3. filler:填充物 4. filling:填充物反义词
1. void:空白 2. emptiness:空虚 3. hollow:空洞 4. vacuum:真空柯林斯词典
wadding noun 1) material used to stuff or pad things with, esp a layer of absorbent cotton wool used to stop bleeding from a wound, or to absorb fluid in surgical dressings or sanitary towels 2) any such layer or material 3) a layer of absorbent material wrapped around a small object to be used as a dressing or in a surgical operation, for padding, etc 4) a soft layer or covering of material, esp. (formerly) wool or cotton, used to line garments, etc. 5) a layer of wadding in a quilt牛津词典
wadding noun 1) soft material used for padding or for packing or stuffing things, especially quilts or cloth toys 2) a layer of absorbent material covering a wound or used for padding 3) a layer of absorbent material wrapped around an object to be used as a dressing or for protection用法
1. She put some wadding in the box to protect the fragile items during shipping. (她在盒子里放了一些填充物,以保护运输过程中易碎物品。) 2. The doctor used wadding to stop the bleeding from the wound. (医生用填塞物止住了伤口的出血。) 3. The jacket is lined with wadding to provide extra warmth. (这件夹克内衬有填充物,以提供额外的保暖。) 4. The quilt is filled with cotton wadding. (这床被子里填充了棉纱。)相关例句
- She packed the fragile vase with wadding to protect it during transport. (她用填充物包装易碎的花瓶,以保护在运输过程中。)
- The bullet wadding helps to stabilize the projectile in flight. (子弹包膛有助于稳定飞行中的弹道。)
- He used cotton wadding to stuff the pillow for extra softness. (他用棉纱填充枕头,以提供额外的柔软度。)
- The surgeon applied a layer of wadding to protect the incision. (外科医生贴上一层填料,以保护切口。)
- The old coat had wadded sleeves for added warmth. (这件旧外套的袖子里填充了填料,以提供额外的保暖。)
- The quilt is made of fine cotton with a layer of wadding in between. (这床被子是由细棉制成,中间夹着一层填充物。)
- She removed the wadding from the package and found a small gift inside. (她从包裹里取出填充物,发现里面有一个小礼物。)
- The wad of banknotes fell out of his pocket when he sat down. (当他坐下来时,一束钞票从口袋里掉出来。)
- The gunpowder wad ignited upon impact with the firing pin. (火药火团在和击针接触时发生了点燃。)
- She used the wad of tissue to wipe away her tears. (她用一团纸巾擦去眼泪。)
- The artist used wadded paper to create texture in his painting. (艺术家用塞好的纸张在他的画作中创造质感。)
- The quilted jacket is filled with synthetic wadding for insulation. (这件针织夹克里填充了合成填充物,以提供保温效果。)
- The packaging box was lined with wadding to protect the delicate contents. (包装盒内衬填充物,以保护精细的物品。)
- She stuffed the wadding into the pincushion to make it softer. (她把填充物塞进针插垫里,使其更柔软。)
- He stuffed the wad of paper into his mouth to silence himself. (他把纸团塞进嘴里,使自己保持沉默。)
- The quilt had a layer of wadding in between the fabric for added warmth. (这床被子的织物中间有一层填充物,以提供额外的保暖。)
- She made small wads of cotton to use as earplugs. (她用棉花制作小团来用作耳塞。)
- The wad of chewing gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. (一团口香糖粘在他的鞋底上。)
- She tore up the letter and threw it in a wad into the trash can. (她撕碎了信件,把它成团扔进垃圾桶。)
- He crumpled up the paper into a wad and threw it across the room. (他把纸团揉成一团,将其扔过房间。)
- The wadded-up shirt had been thrown into the laundry hamper. (塞成一团的衬衫被扔进了洗衣篮。)