1. 相位的
- 英文:phasing
- 例句:The engineers adjusted the phasing of the signals to improve the transmission quality.
- 翻译:工程师们调整了信号的相位以提高传输质量。
1. 相位调节
- 英文:phasing
- 例句:The phasing of the equipment is crucial for synchronization.
- 翻译:设备的相位调节对于同步非常关键。
2. 分阶段进行
- 英文:phasing
- 例句:The project will be implemented in three phasings.
- 翻译:该项目将分三个阶段进行。
phasing vs. synchronization
- 相位调节和同步
- 相位调节指的是调整信号的相位,以使其在传输过程中保持一致。同步指的是协调不同部件或系统的行动,使其在时间上保持一致。
1. phase
- 英文:phase
- 意思:阶段;相位
- 例句:The project is entering its final phase.
- 翻译:该项目正在进入最后阶段。
2. synchronization
- 英文:synchronization
- 意思:同步
- 例句:The system requires synchronization between the devices.
- 翻译:该系统需要设备之间的同步。
- 相位
- 相位调节
- 时序
- Phasing 是一个形容词和名词,形容词意为“相位的”,名词意为“相位调节”或“分阶段进行”。
- Phasing 可用于描述信号调节、设备同步、项目实施等相关领域。
The phasing of the traffic lights was adjusted to improve traffic flow. (信号灯的相位调节被调整以改善交通流量。)
We will be phasing the project over the next six months. (我们将在接下来的六个月内分阶段进行该项目。)
Proper phasing of the instruments is essential for accurate measurements. (正确的仪器相位调节对于准确测量至关重要。)
They synchronized their watches so that everyone would be on the same page. (他们同步了手表,以便每个人都能达成共识。)
The phasing of the chorus added depth to the musical performance. (合唱的相位调节为音乐表演增添了层次感。)
The phasing of the construction allowed for a smooth transition between stages. (施工的分阶段进行使各个阶段的过渡更加顺畅。)
Make sure the phasing of the audio tracks is aligned properly. (确保音频轨道的相位调节正确对齐。)
The engineers are working on the phasing of the signals to eliminate interference. (工程师正在调整信号的相位以消除干扰。)
The phasing of the dance routine was perfectly synchronized with the music. (舞蹈动作的相位调节与音乐完美同步。)
They are phasing the expansion of the company to ensure a smooth transition. (他们正在分阶段扩展公司以确保平稳过渡。)
Phasing the launch of the products will allow for better market penetration. (分阶段推出产品将有助于更好地渗透市场。)
The phasing of the project was carefully planned to minimize disruptions. (项目的分阶段进行经过精心计划,以最小化干扰。)
Her phasing in the play was flawless, capturing the audience's attention. (她在戏剧中的出场时机安排得无可挑剔,吸引了观众的注意力。)
The phasing of the colors in the painting created a sense of harmony. (画作中颜色的相位调节营造出一种和谐感。)
Phasing the renovation of the building allowed for continued operations. (分阶段进行建筑翻修使得业务可以持续进行。)
The phasing of the project ensured that each milestone was achieved on time. (项目的分阶段进行确保每个里程碑都按时完成。)
They are working on phasing the implementation of the new software across different departments. (他们正在分阶段推行新软件在不同部门中的应用。)
The phasing of the music created a sense of anticipation. (音乐的相位调节营造出一种期待感。)
Phasing the training sessions allowed for a gradual learning process. (分阶段进行培训课程使得学习过程逐渐进行。)
They are phasing the release of the movie in different countries to maximize its impact. (他们正在分阶段在不同国家发布电影,以最大化其影响力。)