- 形容词:表示亲密拥抱的
- 名词:拥抱,依偎
- hugging:拥抱
- snuggling:依偎
- embracing:拥抱
- snuggling up:依偎
- nestling:依偎
- cosying up:亲昵地蜷缩在一起
- hugging
- snuggling
- embracing
- nestling
- cosying up
- separating:分开
- distancing:保持距离
- dividing:分隔
cuddling noun
1. the act of hugging or snuggling, especially in an intimate way
cuddle verb
1. to hold (another person or thing) close or (of two people, etc) to hold each other close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth; embrace; hug
cuddle verb
1. (especially of a child or pet) lie close and comfortably; nestle; snuggle
2. hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection
- They spent the evening cuddling on the sofa.
- The baby fell asleep in her mother's cuddling arms.
- We love cuddling up together on cold winter nights.
- She enjoys cuddling her teddy bear when she sleeps. 她睡觉时喜欢抱着她的泰迪熊。
- They were cuddling on the beach, watching the sunset. 他们在海滩上拥抱着,看着日落。
- The couple spent the rainy afternoon cuddling under a warm blanket. 这对夫妇在温暖的毯子下度过了一个雨天的下午。
- The puppy nestled into its owner's lap, seeking cuddling. 小狗在主人的腿上蜷缩着,寻求拥抱。
- After a long day at work, she loves cuddling up with a good book. 一天辛苦工作后,她喜欢蜷缩在一本好书旁。
- The mother held her newborn baby close, cuddling him gently. 母亲轻轻地抱着她的新生儿,亲昵地依偎着。
- They couldn't resist cuddling each other when they saw each other again after a long separation. 他们在长时间分离后再次见面时,无法抗拒地相互拥抱。
- She finds comfort in cuddling her favorite stuffed animal when she's feeling down. 当她情绪低落时,抱着她最喜欢的毛绒动物玩具给她带来安慰。
- The couple spent the whole weekend cuddling in bed, enjoying each other's company. 这对夫妇整个周末都蜷缩在床上,享受彼此的陪伴。
- She loves cuddling up to her cat, feeling its warmth and soft fur. 她喜欢依偎着她的猫,感受它的温暖和柔软的毛发。
- The children were cuddling their mother tightly, not wanting to let go. 孩子们紧紧地依偎着妈妈,不愿意松开。
- He surprised her with a cuddling gesture from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. 他从后面给她一个意外的拥抱姿势,环抱着她的腰。
- The couple enjoyed cuddling together on the park bench, watching the sunset. 这对夫妇喜欢一起坐在公园的长椅上拥抱着,看着日落。
- She found solace in cuddling her dog, feeling its unconditional love. 她在拥抱她的狗时找到了安慰,感受到它无条件的爱。
- They spent the rainy afternoon cuddling under a cozy blanket, listening to the sound of raindrops. 他们在一个舒适的毯子下度过了一个雨天的下午,聆听雨滴的声音。
- He gently cuddled the baby in his arms, rocking her to sleep. 他轻轻地抱着婴儿,摇晃着让她入睡。
- The couple sat on the couch, cuddling and watching their favorite movie together. 这对夫妇坐在沙发上,相互拥抱着一起看他们最喜欢的电影。
- She loves the feeling of cuddling up with a warm cup of tea on a cold winter day. 在寒冷的冬天,她喜欢蜷缩在一杯温暖的茶旁边的感觉。
- They enjoyed cuddling by the fireplace, feeling the warmth and coziness. 他们喜欢在壁炉旁拥抱着,感受到温暖和舒适。
- The dog wagged its tail happily as its owner approached, ready for a cuddling session. 当主人靠近时,狗高兴地摇着尾巴,准备好了一次拥抱的时刻。
- She gave her daughter a tight cuddle before leaving for work, reassuring her that she would be back soon. 她在上班前紧紧地拥抱了女儿,让她放心她很快会回来。