summed [形容词] 1. 总的,总和的 2. 加起来的,合计的名词
summed [名词] 1. 总和,总数 2. 加总,合计词语辨析
summed 和 totalled 都表示“总的,总和的”,在大多情况下可以互换使用。但有时候在特定语境下,两者的使用会有些微差别。词汇扩充
1. summarized [形容词] 总结的,概括的 2. aggregate [形容词] 聚合的,集合的 3. overall [形容词] 整体的,全面的近义词
1. totalled [形容词] 总的,总和的 2. added [形容词] 加起来的,合计的 3. entire [形容词] 整个的,全部的反义词
1. partial [形容词] 部分的,局部的 2. individual [形容词] 个别的,单独的柯林斯词典
summed [形容词] 1. added together; totalled牛津词典
summed [形容词] 1. added together; totalled 2. combined in total用法
summed [形容词] 1. The company's profits summed to $1 million last year. 这家公司去年的利润总计达到100万美元。 2. The summed cost of the project is estimated to be around $10 million. 该项目的总成本估计约为1000万美元。 3. She summed up the main points of the discussion in her presentation. 她在演讲中总结了讨论的主要观点。 4. The summed weight of the shipment exceeded the maximum allowed limit. 运输货物的总重量超过了允许的最大限制。 5. The summed population of the two cities is over one million. 这两个城市的总人口超过一百万。 6. The summed efforts of all team members led to the project's success. 所有团队成员的共同努力使得项目取得了成功。 7. The summed effect of the new policies is yet to be seen. 新政策的总体影响尚未显现。 8. The summed sales figures for the month were disappointing. 当月的总销售额令人失望。 9. The summed value of the assets is higher than expected. 资产的总价值高于预期。 10. The manager summed up the team's performance in the meeting. 经理在会议上总结了团队的表现。例句
- The summed profits from the two divisions reached $5 million. 两个部门的利润总计达到500万美元。
- After all the expenses were summed, there was still a significant amount of money left. 扣除所有费用后,还剩下相当大的一笔钱。
- He summed up the entire project in a single sentence. 他用一句话概括了整个项目。
- The summed value of the assets greatly exceeded our expectations. 资产的总价值远远超出我们的预期。
- The summed weight of the cargo was too heavy for the truck to carry. 货物的总重量对卡车来说太重了。
- They summed the scores of all the rounds to determine the winner. 他们将所有回合的分数相加以确定胜者。
- The summed effect of the drug on patients' health is still being studied. 该药对患者健康的总体影响仍在研究中。
- The summed sales figures for the quarter indicate a slight decline. 当季的总销售额显示出轻微下降。
- She summed up the main findings of the research in her presentation. 她在演讲中总结了研究的主要发现。
- The summed cost of the renovations was higher than anticipated. 翻新的总成本超过了预期。
- They summed their efforts to complete the project ahead of schedule. 他们合力完成了提前完成项目的工作。
- The summed population of the region is steadily increasing. 该地区的总人口正在稳定增长。
- After hours of discussion, they summed up their conclusions in a written report. 经过数小时的讨论,他们将结论总结在一份书面报告中。
- The summed impact of the new regulations on the industry is yet to be determined. 新规定对该行业的总体影响尚待确定。
- The summed sales figures for the month were disappointing compared to last year. 与去年相比,当月的总销售额令人失望。
- They summed the costs of materials, labor, and transportation to estimate the project budget. 他们将材料、劳动力和运输的费用加总以估算项目预算。
- The professor summed up the main points of the lecture before concluding. 教授在结束之前总结了讲座的要点。
- The summed value of the company's assets has been steadily increasing. 公司资产的总价值一直在稳定增长。
- The summed performance of the team members determined the overall success of the project. 团队成员的总体表现决定了项目的整体成功。
- They summed the scores of all the rounds to determine the winner. 他们将所有回合的分数相加以确定胜者。
- The summed effect of the drug on patients' health is still being studied. 该药对患者健康的总体影响仍在研究中。