1. 闪亮的;闪烁的 - sparkling water 闪亮的水 - Her eyes sparkled with excitement. 她的眼睛因为兴奋而闪烁。 2. 活力四溢的;生气勃勃的 - a sparkling personality 充满活力的个性 - The party was full of sparkling conversation. 晚会上谈笑风生。名词
1. 闪光;闪烁 - The sparkles on the water were mesmerizing. 水面上闪烁的光芒令人着迷。 2. 活力;生气勃勃 - The performance had a sparkle that captivated the audience. 表演充满了令观众着迷的活力。词语辨析
1. sparkle, glitter, shine - sparkle 表示闪烁、闪亮,强调短暂而明亮的闪光。 - glitter 指闪耀、闪光,侧重于光芒耀眼而富有吸引力。 - shine 表示发光、照耀,强调光线的明亮和持续性。词汇扩充
- sparklingly (adv.) 闪耀地,活力四溢地 - sparkler (n.) 烟花棒,闪亮的东西近义词
- twinkle, glisten, glitter反义词
- dull, fade, dim柯林斯词典
sparkle in British English
1. (眼睛)发光,闪耀
2. 充满活力;生气勃勃
sparkle in British English
1. (眼睛)发光,闪亮
2. 充满活力;生气勃勃
- He sparkled with wit and charm. (作形容词用) - The champagne in the glass sparkled. (作动词用)相关例句
- Her dress sparkled in the sunlight. (她的裙子在阳光下闪闪发光。)
- The stars sparkled in the night sky. (星星在夜空中闪烁。)
- She wore a sparkling necklace to the party. (她戴着一条闪亮的项链去参加派对。)
- His eyes sparkled with delight. (他的眼睛因为高兴而闪亮。)
- The sparkling water refreshed us after the hike. (徒步旅行后,冰镇的水让我们感到清爽。)
- The sparkling conversation at the dinner party kept everyone entertained. (晚宴上谈笑风生的对话让每个人都很开心。)
- Her sparkling personality made her a popular hostess. (她充满活力的个性使她成为受欢迎的女主人。)
- The diamond ring sparkled on her finger. (钻戒在她的手指上闪烁。)
- His jokes always sparkle with humor. (他的笑话总是幽默风趣。)
- The fireworks display sparkled in the night sky. (烟花在夜空中闪耀。)
- The sparkling lights of the city could be seen from the hilltop. (从山顶上可以看到城市闪烁的灯光。)
- The sparkling wine was poured into the glasses for the toast. (为了祝酒,将起泡酒倒入杯子中。)
- She sparkled with intelligence and confidence during the job interview. (在面试中,她展现出智慧和自信。)
- The children's eyes sparkled with excitement as they opened their presents. (孩子们打开礼物时,眼睛因为兴奋而发光。)
- His speech was full of sparkling wit and humor. (他的演讲充满了机智和幽默。)
- Her smile sparkled with genuine happiness. (她的微笑流露出真正的幸福。)
- The sparkling waves crashed against the shore. (波光粼粼的海浪拍打着海岸。)
- The sparkling snow covered the landscape, creating a beautiful scene. (闪闪发光的雪覆盖着大地,形成了美丽的景象。)
- The sparkling stars lit up the night sky. (闪烁的星星照亮了夜空。)
- As she danced, her dress sparkled under the disco lights. (她跳舞时,在迪斯科灯光下她的裙子闪闪发光。)