I. 形容词
exploring [ɪkˈsplɔːrɪŋ] (adj.)
1. 探索的;勘探的
2. 研究的;探测的
1. investigating:侧重于调查和研究,尤指系统地进行;
2. discovering:强调发现新事物或新领域的过程;
3. surveying:指进行全面或详尽的考察或勘测;
4. probing:侧重于深入探究或调查问题的本质。
1. exploration [ˌɛkspləˈreɪʃən] (n.):探索;勘探
2. exploratory [ɪkˈsplɔːrətəri] (adj.):探索的;勘探的
3. explorer [ɪkˈsplɔːrər] (n.):探险家;勘探者
investigating, discovering, surveying, probing
ignoring, neglecting, disregarding
II. 名词
exploring [ɪkˈsplɔːrɪŋ] (n.)
1. 探索;勘探
2. 探险;探测
exploring (noun) [ɪkˈsplɔːrɪŋ]
1. the activity of searching and finding out about something
2. the activity of going to new places or looking at new things to find out what they are like
exploring (noun) [ɪkˈsplɔːrɪŋ]
1. the activity of traveling around a place to find out about it
2. the activity of looking for oil, gas, gold, etc. in a place to see if it is there
III. 用法
1. exploring the unknown areas of the world
2. a team of scientists exploring the ocean depths
3. We are exploring the possibility of collaboration with other companies.
IV. 相关例句
- We spent the day exploring the ancient ruins. (我们花了一整天的时间探索古代遗迹。)
- She has always had a passion for exploring new cultures. (她一直对探索新文化充满热情。)
- The astronauts are exploring the surface of the moon. (宇航员们正在探索月球表面。)
- They are exploring different options for their next project. (他们正在探索下一个项目的不同选择。)
- The scientists spent years exploring the effects of the drug. (科学家们花费了多年时间研究这种药物的效果。)
- We are exploring ways to reduce our carbon footprint. (我们正在探索减少碳足迹的方法。)
- The team is exploring new markets for their products. (该团队正在探索他们产品的新市场。)
- He is an explorer who has ventured into uncharted territories. (他是一位冒险家,曾涉足未知的领域。)
- Oil companies are constantly exploring for new sources of oil. (石油公司不断勘探新的石油资源。)
- She has a curious nature and enjoys exploring different ideas. (她有一种好奇的天性,喜欢探索不同的想法。)
- The children are exploring the forest, looking for hidden treasures. (孩子们正在探索森林,寻找隐藏的宝藏。)
- He spent his summer vacation exploring Europe. (他用暑假时间探索了欧洲。)
- Archaeologists are exploring the ancient ruins in search of artifacts. (考古学家们正在探索古代遗迹,寻找文物。)
- The team of scientists is exploring the possibility of life on other planets. (科学家团队正在探索其他星球上存在生命的可能性。)
- The young boy has a sense of adventure and loves exploring new places. (这个小男孩有冒险精神,喜欢探索新的地方。)
- She is exploring different career paths before making a decision. (她在做出决定之前正在探索不同的职业道路。)
- Space agencies are constantly exploring the universe to expand our knowledge. (太空机构不断探索宇宙,以扩大我们的知识。)
- The company is exploring new markets in Asia. (该公司正在亚洲开拓新市场。)
- He is an explorer at heart, always seeking new adventures. (他天生就是一个冒险家,始终追求新的冒险。)
- The team of archaeologists is exploring the ancient tomb. (考古学家团队正在勘探古墓。)
- They are exploring different options for their next vacation destination. (他们正在探索下一个度假目的地的不同选择。)