orgasmic /ɔrˈɡæz.mɪk/
1. 极度愉快的;性高潮的
2. 有关性高潮的;引起性高潮的
orgasm /ˈɔr.ɡæz.əm/
1. 性高潮;性快感
2. (非正式)极度愉快的经历或感觉
climax, peak, ecstasy, pleasure
frustration, dissatisfaction
1. An orgasm is the feeling of intense pleasure and excitement that people, especially women, have when they reach the highest point of sexual excitement.
2. You can describe something as an orgasm when it gives you great pleasure and excitement.
1. The climax of sexual excitement, characterized by intensely pleasurable feelings centered in the genitals and (in men) experienced as an accompaniment to ejaculation.
2. A climax of excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually also with the ejaculation of semen by men and a release of vaginal fluid by women.
3. A sudden, powerful, or violent expression or display of emotion.
- She experienced multiple orgasms during their lovemaking. (在他们的性爱过程中,她体验到了多次性高潮。)
- He had a mind-blowing orgasm that left him breathless. (他经历了一个令人难以置信的性高潮,让他喘不过气来。)
- She described the concert as a musical orgasm. (她形容这场音乐会是一次音乐上的极度愉悦。)
- The novel builds up to an emotional orgasm in its final chapter. (这本小说在最后一章达到了情感的高潮。)
- She faked an orgasm just to please her partner. (她假装达到性高潮只是为了取悦她的伴侣。)
- The movie was so intense that it gave me an orgasmic experience. (这部电影太激烈了,给了我一种极度愉悦的体验。)
- He reached the peak of pleasure and had a full-body orgasm. (他达到了极度的快感,并且全身都有一种高潮。)
- She moaned with pleasure as her body convulsed in orgasm. (她的身体在高潮中抽搐时,发出了快感的呻吟声。)
- The fireworks display was an orgasm of colors and lights. (烟火表演是一场色彩和光线的极度愉悦。)
- The music reached a crescendo, creating an orgasmic experience for the audience. (音乐达到高潮,为观众创造了一种极度愉悦的体验。)
- She described the dessert as an orgasm in her mouth. (她形容这道甜点在她口中是一次极度愉悦。)
- He felt a surge of pleasure that was almost like an orgasm. (他感到一股几乎像性高潮一样的快感涌上心头。)
- The crowd erupted in an orgasm of applause and cheers. (人群爆发出一阵阵掌声和欢呼声。)
- The roller coaster ride was an orgasm of adrenaline and excitement. (过山车之旅充满了肾上腺素和兴奋的极度愉悦。)
- The comedian's joke elicited an orgasm of laughter from the audience. (这位喜剧演员的笑话引起了观众们的一阵阵笑声。)
- The painting was an orgasm of colors, depicting a vibrant landscape. (这幅画是一种色彩的极度愉悦,描绘了一个充满活力的风景。)
- She experienced a mental orgasm when she solved the difficult puzzle. (当她解开那个困难的谜题时,她体验到了一种精神上的高潮。)
- They reached a creative orgasm and produced their best work. (他们达到了创造性的高潮,并完成了他们最好的作品。)
- His passionate speech was an orgasm of inspiration for the audience. (他激情澎湃的演讲给观众带来了灵感的极度愉悦。)
- She had an orgasmic experience while indulging in her favorite hobby. (她在沉浸在她最喜欢的爱好中体验到了一种极度愉悦。)
- They reached orgasm simultaneously and collapsed into each other's arms. (他们同时达到了性高潮,倒在了彼此的怀里。)