1. 过敏(症)
2. 反感,厌恶
1. 过敏的
2. 反感的,厌恶的
1. allergic reaction:过敏反应
2. pollen allergy:花粉过敏
3. food allergy:食物过敏
4. skin allergy:皮肤过敏
5. dust allergy:尘螨过敏
1. hypersensitivity
2. sensitivity
1. tolerance
2. immunity
1. An allergy to something is a medical condition where you become ill or get a rash because you have eaten or touched something that you are sensitive to.
2. If you have an allergy to something, you become ill or get a rash when you eat it, smell it, or touch it.
If you are allergic to something, you become ill or get a rash when you eat it, smell it, or touch it.
1. A condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance.
2. A damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
Having an allergy to.
1. I have an allergy to peanuts.(我对花生过敏。)
2. He experiences an allergic reaction whenever he eats seafood.(每次他吃海鲜都会出现过敏反应。)
3. My allergy makes it difficult for me to be around cats.(我对猫过敏,所以很难接触它们。)
- I can't eat strawberries because I have an allergy to them.(我不能吃草莓,因为我对它们过敏。)
- She developed an allergic reaction to the medication.(她对这种药物产生了过敏反应。)
- His allergies act up whenever he is exposed to pollen.(他一接触花粉就会过敏。)
- Many people suffer from food allergies and have to be cautious about what they eat.(很多人患有食物过敏,必须小心他们吃什么。)
- The doctor recommended an allergy test to determine the cause of her symptoms.(医生建议进行过敏测试以确定她症状的原因。)
- He has an allergy to dust mites, so he has to be careful when cleaning his house.(他对尘螨过敏,所以清理房间时必须小心。)
- Despite his allergies, he couldn't resist the temptation of eating the cake.(尽管他过敏,但他忍不住诱惑去吃蛋糕。)
- I've noticed an allergic reaction whenever I use this brand of detergent.(我注意到每次使用这个牌子的洗衣粉都会引发过敏反应。)
- She has a severe allergy to bee stings and always carries an EpiPen with her.(她对蜜蜂蛰伤有严重的过敏反应,总是随身携带一支肾上腺素注射器。)
- People with allergies should avoid coming into contact with the allergen.(有过敏症的人应该避免接触过敏原。)
- He had an allergic rash after using the new skincare product.(他使用新的护肤品后出现了过敏性皮疹。)
- My daughter has a milk allergy, so we have to be careful about the ingredients in her food.(我女儿对牛奶过敏,所以我们必须小心她食物的成分。)
- Some people have seasonal allergies and experience symptoms only during certain times of the year.(一些人有季节性过敏,只在一年的某个时段出现症状。)
- He has an allergic cough whenever he is exposed to cigarette smoke.(他一接触到烟雾就会咳嗽,是过敏引起的。)
- The doctor prescribed antihistamines to relieve her allergy symptoms.(医生开了抗组胺药物来缓解她的过敏症状。)
- She developed an allergic rash after using a new laundry detergent.(她使用新的洗衣粉后出现了过敏性皮疹。)
- He is highly allergic to shellfish, so he avoids eating it altogether.(他对贝类食物极度过敏,所以完全不吃。)
- She has an allergy to pet dander, so she can't have a cat or dog as a pet.(她对宠物的脱落物过敏,所以不能养猫狗。)
- He had an allergic reaction to the pollen and his eyes became red and itchy.(他对花粉过敏,眼睛变得红肿并且痒。)
- My allergies usually act up in the spring when there is a lot of pollen in the air.(我的过敏症通常在春天发作,空气中有很多花粉。)