1. 跳舞的;舞蹈的
1. 舞蹈;跳舞
2. 舞蹈表演
dancing 和
dance 的区别在于,
dancing 是形容词和名词,而
dance 只是名词。
dancer (n.) 舞者,舞蹈家
dancing 和
dance 可以作为名词互换使用。
stillness (n.) 静止,不动
dancing (noun)
1. the activity of dancing
2. the art of dancing
3. the act of performing a dance
dancing (adjective)
1. relating to or used in dancing
2. full of movement or excitement
dancing (noun)
1. the activity of dancing
2. a series of movements that match the speed and rhythm of a piece of music
dancing (adjective)
1. relating to or used in dancing
2. characterized by lively or rhythmic movement
dancing 作为名词使用时,可以表示跳舞的活动、舞蹈表演或一连串与音乐节奏和速度相匹配的动作。作为形容词使用时,表示与跳舞有关的或具有活力和节奏感的动作。
1. She enjoys
dancing to different types of music. (她喜欢跳各种类型的舞蹈。)
2. The ballet company gave a stunning
dancing performance. (芭蕾舞团进行了一场令人惊叹的舞蹈表演。)
3. They practiced their
dancing routines for hours. (他们练习舞蹈动作几个小时。)
4. The
dancing couple gracefully moved across the dance floor. (那对舞伴优雅地在舞池上移动。)
5. The
dancing flames of the bonfire lit up the night sky. (篝火中跳动的火焰照亮了夜空。)
6. She had a
dancing smile on her face as she received the award. (她脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,接受了这个奖项。)
7. The
dancing rhythm of the music made everyone want to join in. (音乐中的舞蹈节奏让每个人都想加入其中。)
8. The
dancing girls twirled and spun on the stage. (舞蹈女孩在舞台上旋转和旋转。)
9. The ballroom was filled with the sound of
dancing feet. (舞厅里充满了跳舞的脚步声。)
10. The
dancing costume was adorned with sequins and feathers. (舞蹈服装上装饰着亮片和羽毛。)
11. He took her hand and led her onto the
dancing floor. (他牵起她的手,带她走上了舞池。)
12. The
dancing competition attracted participants from all over the world. (舞蹈比赛吸引了来自世界各地的参赛者。)
13. The audience applauded and cheered at the end of the
dancing performance. (观众在舞蹈表演结束时鼓掌和欢呼。)
14. The children were excited to learn different
dancing styles. (孩子们对学习不同的舞蹈风格感到兴奋。)
15. The
dancing troupe rehearsed tirelessly for the upcoming show. (舞蹈团为即将到来的演出不知疲倦地排练。)
16. The
dancing instructor taught the students various techniques and moves. (舞蹈教练教学生们各种技巧和动作。)
17. The talented couple performed a passionate
dancing duet. (这对才华横溢的夫妻表演了一支充满激情的舞蹈二重奏。)
18. The
dancing competition showcased the skills and creativity of the participants. (舞蹈比赛展示了参赛者的技巧和创造力。)
19. The theater hosted a
dancing gala with performances by renowned dance companies. (剧院举办了一场由知名舞蹈公司表演的舞蹈盛会。)
20. She dreams of becoming a professional
dancer and performing on the world stage. (她梦想成为一名职业舞者,并在世界舞台上表演。)