1. 着火的;燃烧的:
The building was set alight by the arsonist. (这栋建筑被纵火犯点燃了。)
2. 亮着的;点亮的:
The street was alight with colorful decorations. (街道上点缀着五彩斑斓的装饰。)
3. 着陆的;落地的:
The plane touched down and came to a halt on the alight runway. (飞机降落后停在备用跑道上。)
4. 被点燃的;被染上火的:
The forest was alight with the glow of the setting sun. (森林因夕阳的余辉而染上了火红的色彩。)
1. 点燃;火光:
A tiny alight flickered in the distance. (遥远处闪烁着微小的火光。)
2. 着陆;落地:
The passengers prepared for the alight. (乘客们准备着陆。)
The building was alight. (这栋建筑着火了。)
I ignited the match. (我点燃了火柴。)
1. alightness (名词):着火;点燃
2. alightable (形容词):可燃烧的
3. alighter (名词):点火器;引燃者
4. alightingly (副词):点燃地;着火地
1. burning:燃烧的
2. aflame:着火的
3. ablaze:闪耀的
4. on fire:着火的
1. The house was burning fiercely. (房子正在猛烈地燃烧。)
2. The forest was ablaze with autumn colors. (森林因秋叶的色彩而闪耀。)
3. The warehouse was on fire, and firefighters rushed to the scene. (仓库着火了,消防队员们赶到现场。)
1. The firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze. (消防员们成功扑灭了大火。)
2. She quickly extinguished the candle before leaving the room. (她在离开房间之前迅速灭掉了蜡烛。)
1. If a fire or a flame is alight, it is burning.
2. The alight of a bird or insect is the act of coming to rest or settle somewhere.
3. If you alight from a train or bus, you get out of it after a journey.
4. If something such as a bird or insect alights on something or if it alights there, it lands there.
5. If something such as a decision or responsibility alights on you, it becomes your responsibility or you are affected by it.
6. You can use alight to describe something that is burning or shining.
1. (of something on fire) burning; in flames.
2. (of a bird) descend from the air and settle.
3. (of a butterfly or moth) descend from the air onto a surface.
4. descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport.
5. (of a bird) descend from the air and settle.
6. (of a butterfly or moth) descend from the air onto a surface.
7. the act of coming down from the air or a vehicle and touching the ground.
1. alight作形容词时,常用于描述火焰、灯光等的“燃烧”或“点亮”状态。
例句:The candle was alight, casting a warm glow in the room. (蜡烛点燃了,在房间里投射出温暖的光辉。)
2. alight作名词时,指鸟类或昆虫“停歇”或“降落”的动作。
例句:The hummingbird's alight on the flower was a beautiful sight. (蜂鸟降落在花上的景象美不胜收。)
3. alight作动词时,表示从交通工具(如火车、公共汽车)中“下车”或“下来”,或者表示鸟类或昆虫从空中“降落”。
例句:Passengers are not allowed to alight from the train until it comes to a complete stop. (乘客在火车完全停稳之前不能下车。)
4. alight作名词时,指从空中或交通工具中“下来”或“降落”的动作。
例句:The alight of the plane was smooth and without any turbulence. (飞机的着陆平稳无颤。)
1. The candle was alight, casting a soft glow in the room. (蜡烛点燃了,在房间里投射出柔和的光辉。)
2. The entire forest was alight with the warm colors of autumn. (整个森林因着秋天温暖的色彩而灿烂夺目。)
3. The plane prepared to alight on the runway, its wheels touching down smoothly. (飞机准备着陆在跑道上,轮子平稳地着地。)
4. A tiny alight flickered in the distance, guiding us through the darkness. (远方闪烁着微弱的火光,照亮了我们在黑暗中前行。)
5. The alight of the butterfly on the flower was a beautiful sight to behold. (蝴蝶降落在花上是一幅美丽的景象。)
6. Passengers are requested to alight from the bus in an orderly manner. (乘客被要求有序地从公共汽车上下车。)
7. The bird alighted on the branch, chirping happily in the morning sun. (鸟儿落在树枝上,在晨曦中欢快地鸣叫。)
8. The decision to proceed with the project alighted on the committee. (是否继续进行该项目的决定落在了委员会上。)
9. The responsibility for the event's success alights on the organizers. (活动的成功责任落在了组织者身上。)
10. The entire sky was alight with fireworks, creating a breathtaking display. (整个天空因烟花而灿烂,形成了令人惊叹的景象。)
11. The fire quickly spread, leaving the building alight within minutes. (火势迅速蔓延,几分钟内将整栋建筑点燃。)
12. The airplane alighted on the runway smoothly, bringing an end to our journey. (飞机平稳地降落在跑道上,结束了我们的旅程。)
13. The moth alighted on the window sill, its delicate wings glowing in the sunlight. (蛾子停在窗台上,娇嫩的翅膀在阳光下闪耀。)
14. The responsibility for organizing the event alights on the event coordinator. (组织活动的责任落在了活动协调员身上。)
15. The decision to proceed with the construction project alighted on the city council. (是否继续进行建设项目的决定落在了市议会上。)
16. The forest was ablaze with autumn colors, the leaves alight with vibrant hues. (森林因秋叶的色彩而闪耀,叶子着上了生机勃勃的色彩。)
17. The firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, preventing it from spreading further. (消防员迅速扑灭了大火,防止其进一步蔓延。)
18. She ignited the match and held it to the candle, watching as the flame alighted. (她点燃了火柴,把它放在蜡烛上,看着火焰闪亮起来。)
19. The decision to proceed or not with the project alights on the board of directors. (是否继续进行该项目的决定落在了董事会上。)
20. The responsibility for the success of the event alights on the shoulders of the organizing committee. (活动的成功责任落在了组委会的肩上。)