bust- 破产的;失败的
- 破产的;失败的
- 被逮捕的;被抓住的
- 摧毁的;破裂的
- 胸部的;乳房的
bust- 胸像;半身像
- 胸部;乳房
- 逮捕;抓获
- 破产;失败
bust1. 形容词中的“破产的;失败的”和名词中的“破产;失败”意思相近,指企业或个人财务上的突然衰退或失败。
2. 形容词中的“被逮捕的;被抓住的”和名词中的“逮捕;抓获”意思相近,指被警方逮捕或抓住。
3. 形容词中的“破裂的;摧毁的”表示物体被破坏、打碎或摧毁的状态。
4. 形容词中的“胸部的;乳房的”指与胸部或乳房相关的。
bust1. vt.(非正式)搜查;搜查到
2. n.(非正式)破产者;失败者
3. n.(非正式)背景;幕后的故事
bankrupt, collapse, arrest, capture, destroy, rupture, chest, breast
prosper, succeed, release, freedom, build, intact
bust (adjective)
If a person is bust, they have no money.
If a company or project is bust, it has no money and cannot continue in business.
If a plan or idea is bust, it has failed or has no chance of success.
bust (noun)
A bust is a statue of the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a person.
A bust is a woman's breasts, especially considered as a pair.
If someone is busted, they are arrested or caught by the police.
If a place is busted, people are arrested or caught there by the police.
bust (adjective)
Having gone bankrupt; out of business.
Having been arrested.
Broken, shattered, or burst.
(of a woman) having large breasts.
bust (noun)
A sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person.
A woman's breasts, especially considered as a pair.
An act of arresting someone.
A failure or collapse.
1. They went bust when their business failed.
2. He got busted for drunk driving.
3. The vase fell off the shelf and smashed into pieces.
4. She is known for her bust figure.
- The company went bust due to mismanagement of funds. 这家公司因为资金管理不善而破产。
- He was busted for selling illegal drugs. 他因为贩卖非法毒品而被抓住。
- The glass bottle fell off the table and busted into small fragments. 玻璃瓶从桌子上掉下来,摔成了碎片。
- She wore a tight dress that accentuated her bust. 她穿着一条紧身裙,突显出她的胸部。
- The museum displayed a beautiful bust of a famous poet. 博物馆展示了一座著名诗人的精美胸像。
- The detective finally made the bust after months of investigation. 经过数月调查,侦探终于成功逮捕了犯人。
- The stock market crash resulted in the bust of many investment firms. 股市崩盘导致许多投资公司的破产。
- His business venture turned out to be a bust and he lost all his investments. 他的商业冒险最终以失败告终,他失去了所有的投资。
- She is proud of her full bust and often flaunts it. 她为自己丰满的胸部感到自豪,经常炫耀。
- The police conducted a drug bust in the neighborhood. 警方在附近进行了一次缉毒行动。
- The company's financial troubles led to its bust. 公司的财务困境导致了它的破产。
- He was caught in a bust for illegal gambling. 他因非法赌博被抓。
- After years of success, the famous singer's career hit a bust. 经过多年的成功,这位著名歌手的事业遭遇了失败。
- The vase fell off the table and busted into pieces. 花瓶从桌子上掉下来,破碎成了碎片。
- She is proud of her large bust and often wears revealing clothes. 她为自己丰满的胸部感到自豪,经常穿着暴露的衣服。
- The police made a bust and arrested several suspects. 警方进行了一次行动,逮捕了几名嫌疑人。
- The economic downturn resulted in the bust of many businesses. 经济下滑导致许多企业的失败。
- The detective planned a bust to apprehend the notorious criminal. 侦探计划了一次行动,逮捕那个臭名昭著的罪犯。
- His attempt to start a new business turned out to be a bust. 他尝试开办一家新业务,结果失败了。
- She is considering getting a breast augmentation to enhance her bust. 她正在考虑进行乳房增大手术,以增强她的胸部。
- The police conducted a drug bust and seized a large quantity of illegal substances. 警方进行了一次缉毒行动,缴获了大量非法物品。