柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
nail (neɪl)
- n. A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end. It is used for fastening things to other things.
- vt. If you nail one thing to another, you use nails to fasten them together.
- phr. If you hit the nail on the head, you are exactly right about something.
- phr. If you hang on by your fingernails, you try to survive in a difficult situation.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
nail (/neɪl/)
- n. A horny covering on the upper surface of the tips of the fingers and toes in humans and other primates.
- n. A small metal spike driven into wood to join things together or to serve as a support.
- n. A measure of length for cloth, equal to 2¼ inches.
- vt. Fasten to a surface or to something else with a nail or nails.
1. I need a hammer and some nails to hang this picture.
2. She hit the nail on the head when she suggested that we need more staff in the office.
3. The carpenter nailed the pieces of wood together to make a table.
4. I can't open this can because the lid is nailed on.
5. She managed to hang on by her fingernails until help arrived.
- He hit the nail on the head with that comment.(他在那个评论中说中了要害。)
- The carpenter nailed the boards together to make a box.(木匠用钉子把木板钉在一起做成了一个盒子。)
- I need to buy some nails to fix the fence.(我需要买些钉子来修理篱笆。)
- She painted her nails with bright red nail polish.(她用亮红色指甲油涂了指甲。)
- I accidentally hit my thumb with a hammer and now my nail is bruised.(我不小心用锤子敲到了拇指,现在指甲青了。)
- He used a nail file to shape his nails.(他用指甲锉修整指甲的形状。)
- The carpenter attached the mirror to the wall with nails.(木匠用钉子将镜子固定在墙上。)
- She hung the picture on the wall using a nail.(她用一根钉子把画挂在墙上。)
- He has a habit of biting his nails when he's nervous.(他紧张的时候爱咬指甲。)
- I accidentally stepped on a nail and it went through my shoe.(我不小心踩到了一根钉子,钉子穿过了我的鞋子。)
- She was so nervous during the performance that she was biting her nails.(她在表演期间非常紧张,一直在咬指甲。)
- The carpenter hammered the nails into the wood to secure the structure.(木匠把钉子敲进木头里,以固定结构。)
- He used a screwdriver to remove the nails from the wall.(他用螺丝刀从墙上取下了钉子。)
- She had a manicure and got her nails painted with a beautiful design.(她做了美甲,指甲上涂了漂亮的图案。)
- The teacher asked the students to hang their artwork on the wall using nails.(老师让学生们用钉子把他们的艺术作品挂在墙上。)
- He hung the picture frame on the wall by driving a nail into it.(他用钉子把画框挂在墙上。)
- She accidentally hit her finger with the hammer and it caused her nail to break.(她不小心用锤子砸到了手指,导致指甲断裂。)
- The carpenter used a nail gun to quickly attach the boards together.(木匠用钉枪快速地把木板连接在一起。)
- She painted her nails with a clear nail polish for a natural look.(她用透明指甲油涂指甲,以展现自然的效果。)
- He used a nail clipper to trim his long fingernails.(他用指甲刀修剪自己的长指甲。)
- The table wobbled because one of the nails was loose.(桌子晃动是因为有一颗钉子松动了。)