pilot (名词)
1. 飞行员;引航员
2. (试点)项目;导游;领航员
3. 领路人;领袖
4. 试验性的节目
5. 导弹制导系统
6. 飞行模拟器的设计者和操作员
pilot (形容词)
1. 飞行的;引导的
pilot (名词)
1. 飞行员
2. 驾驶员;引航员
3. 试点项目;导游;领航员
4. 领路人;领袖
5. 试验性的节目
6. 导弹制导系统
7. 飞行模拟器的设计者和操作员
pilot (形容词)
1. 飞行的;引导的
1. I want to become a pilot and fly around the world. (我想成为一名飞行员并环游世界。)
2. The ship was guided into the harbor by a pilot. (这艘船由一名引航员引导进入港口。)
3. The government has launched a new pilot program to test the effectiveness of the new policy. (政府推出了一个新的试点项目来测试新政策的有效性。)
4. The experienced hiker acted as a pilot for the group, leading them safely through the mountain trails. (经验丰富的徒步旅行者充当了这个团队的领路人,安全地带领他们穿越山区小径。)
5. The TV network aired a pilot episode of the new sitcom to gauge audience reactions. (电视网络播出了新情景喜剧的试播集,以评估观众的反应。)
6. The fighter jet is equipped with advanced pilot-controlled missile guidance systems. (这架战斗机配备了先进的飞行员控制导弹制导系统。)
1. The pilot skillfully landed the plane in strong crosswinds. (飞行员在强劲的侧风中熟练地降落了飞机。)
2. Our flight is delayed because the pilot is sick. (我们的航班延误了,因为飞行员生病了。)
3. The helicopter pilot flew over the city, giving the passengers a panoramic view. (直升机飞行员飞越城市,为乘客提供了全景视野。)
4. The airline is hiring new pilots to meet the increasing demand for flights. (航空公司正在招聘新的飞行员,以满足日益增长的航班需求。)
5. The pilot program aims to improve education outcomes in underprivileged communities. (这个试点项目旨在改善贫困社区的教育成果。)
6. The guide acted as a pilot for the tourist group, leading them through the narrow streets of the old town. (导游充当了这个旅游团的领航员,带领他们穿过古城的狭窄街道。)
7. The experienced mountaineer served as a pilot for the climbers, guiding them up the treacherous slopes. (经验丰富的登山者为登山者们充当了领路人,在危险的山坡上引领他们前进。)
8. The pilot episode of the new TV series received rave reviews from critics. (这部新电视剧的试播集获得了评论家的好评。)
9. The missile's pilot system allows for precise targeting of enemy bases. (导弹的制导系统可以精确瞄准敌军基地。)
10. The flight simulator was designed by an experienced pilot to provide realistic training for aspiring aviators. (这款飞行模拟器是由一位经验丰富的飞行员设计的,为渴望成为飞行员的人提供逼真的训练。)
11. The pilot successfully landed the plane despite the heavy fog. (尽管有浓雾,飞行员还是成功降落了飞机。)
12. The airline recruited a new batch of pilots to meet the growing demand for international flights. (航空公司招募了一批新的飞行员,以满足日益增长的国际航班需求。)
13. The ship's pilot steered the vessel through the narrow channel with great precision. (船只的引航员以极高的精度驾驶船只通过狭窄的航道。)
14. The pilot program will be implemented in select schools to assess its effectiveness before expanding to other districts. (这个试点项目将在一些学校中实施,以评估其有效性,然后再扩大到其他地区。)
15. The team's captain served as the pilot for the group, guiding them through the challenging expedition. (团队的队长充当了这个团队的领路人,在充满挑战的远征中引领他们前进。)
16. The pilot TV show received positive feedback from viewers and was picked up for a full season. (这个试播的电视节目得到了观众的积极反馈,并被选中制作了一个完整的季度。)
17. The pilot pointed out the landmarks from the air, giving the passengers a tour of the city. (飞行员从空中指出了地标,为乘客提供了一次城市游览。)
18. The pilot successfully executed a mid-air maneuver to avoid a collision with another aircraft. (飞行员成功执行了一次空中机动以避免与另一架飞机相撞。)
19. The pilot program aims to test the feasibility of implementing renewable energy solutions in rural areas. (这个试点项目旨在测试在农村地区实施可再生能源解决方案的可行性。)
20. The pilot guided the helicopter to a safe landing on the helipad. (飞行员引导直升机安全降落在停机坪上。)