中英词典 - afterwards
1. 后来的;随后的
Meaning: happening or done at a later time; following in time or order.
- We went to the party, but afterwards, we regretted our decision. (我们参加了派对,但随后我们后悔了。)
- He apologized for his behavior afterwards. (他事后为自己的行为道歉。)
1. 后来
Meaning: the time or period following an event or occurrence.
- We had an argument, but we made up afterwards. (我们发生了争吵,但之后和好了。)
- She had a difficult time initially, but she found success in her career afterwards. (起初她遇到了困难,但后来在事业上获得了成功。)
afterwards, then, subsequently
These words are all used to indicate the sequence of events or actions. However, there are slight differences in their usage:
- afterwards: refers to something happening or being done after a particular event or time.
- then: refers to something happening or being done immediately or soon after a previous event or time.
- subsequently: refers to something happening or being done at a later point in time, following a previous event or action.
词汇扩充(Vocabulary Expansion)
- later on: 以后,后来
- in the future: 在将来
- in due course: 在适当的时候
after, later, next, subsequently
before, previously
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. at a later or succeeding time
2. the time or period that follows
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. after an event or time already mentioned
2. a time following an event or time already mentioned
1. "Afterwards" is more commonly used in British English, while "afterward" is the preferred spelling in American English.
2. It is often used to indicate a sequence of events or actions.
3. It can be used to refer to something that happens or is done as a result of a previous event or action.
相关例句(Example Sentences)
- I'll meet you at the restaurant. Afterwards, we can go for a walk. (我会在餐厅见你,随后我们可以散步。)
- We finished dinner and then went to the theater afterwards. (我们吃完晚饭,然后随后去了剧院。)
- He lost his job, and afterwards, he struggled to find another one. (他失去了工作,之后他努力寻找另一份工作。)
- She studied hard and afterwards achieved her goal of becoming a doctor. (她努力学习,随后实现了成为医生的目标。)
- They argued for hours, but they made up afterwards. (他们争吵了几个小时,但之后和好了。)
- She failed the exam, but she passed on the second attempt. Afterwards, she felt relieved. (她第一次考试没通过,但第二次通过了。之后,她感到松了一口气。)
- He made a mistake, but he apologized afterwards. (他犯了个错误,但之后道了歉。)
- The weather was terrible during the trip, but it improved afterwards. (旅行期间天气很糟糕,但之后变好了。)
- She was upset at first, but she calmed down afterwards. (起初她很沮丧,但随后冷静了下来。)
- They had a big fight, but they reconciled afterwards. (他们大吵一架,但随后和好了。)
- He lost the game, but he learned from his mistakes and improved afterwards. (他输掉了比赛,但从自己的错误中吸取教训,之后变得更好了。)
- She had a long day at work, but she felt satisfied with her accomplishments afterwards. (她上班一整天,但之后对自己的成就感到满意。)
- They had a wonderful vacation, but they had to return to their routine afterwards. (他们度过了愉快的假期,但之后又回到了日常生活。)
- He finished his meal and paid the bill afterwards. (他吃完饭,之后付了账。)
- They attended the wedding ceremony and congratulated the couple afterwards. (他们参加了婚礼仪式,并随后祝贺了新婚夫妇。)
- She received a promotion at work and celebrated with her colleagues afterwards. (她在工作中获得了晋升,并随后与同事们庆祝。)
- He proposed to her and she happily accepted afterwards. (他向她求婚,之后她高兴地接受了。)
- They finished the project and presented their findings to the team afterwards. (他们完成了项目,并随后向团队展示了他们的发现。)
- She won the race and received a medal afterwards. (她赢得了比赛,并随后获得了奖牌。)
- They had a disagreement, but they reached a compromise afterwards. (他们发生了争执,但之后达成了妥协。)
- He made a mistake, but he corrected it afterwards. (他犯了个错误,但之后纠正了。)