中英词典 - "reign"
reigning - 统治的,当权的
reignless - 无统治者的,无王的
reign - 统治,君主的统治
reign - 统治时期,王朝的统治时间
reign of terror - 恐怖统治
reign of law - 法治时期
reign of error - 错误统治
1. rule
2. govern
3. control
1. overthrow
2. abdicate
动词reign (r eɪ n )
1. If you say that a person reigns somewhere, you mean that they rule there as queen, king, or emperor.
e.g. Queen Victoria reigned over Britain for sixty-three years.
2. If you say that a quality, idea, or emotion reigns in a situation or person, you mean that it is very common or has a very strong influence.
e.g. In the past, good manners reigned.
动词reign (r eɪ n )
1. Hold royal office; rule as king or queen.
e.g. Queen Elizabeth reigned from 1558 to 1603.
2. Be the best or most important in a particular area or domain.
e.g. In those days, boxing reigned supreme.
1. The queen reigned over the country for fifty years.
2. During his reign, many reforms were implemented.
3. The reign of the current monarch has been marked by stability and prosperity.
- The emperor's reign lasted for three decades. (皇帝的统治持续了三十年。)
- During her reign, the country experienced significant economic growth. (在她的统治期间,这个国家经历了显著的经济增长。)
- His reign was characterized by political turmoil and social unrest. (他的统治以政治动荡和社会动乱为特征。)
- Under the reign of King Henry VIII, England witnessed the establishment of the Church of England. (在亨利八世的统治下,英格兰见证了英国教会的建立。)
- During the reign of terror, thousands of innocent people were executed. (在恐怖统治时期,成千上万的无辜人被处决。)
- The reign of Queen Victoria is often referred to as the Victorian era. (维多利亚女王的统治常被称为维多利亚时代。)
- Despite facing numerous challenges, the monarch managed to maintain her reign. (尽管面临诸多挑战,君主设法维持了她的统治。)
- During the reign of the Ming Dynasty, China experienced a period of cultural flourishing. (在明朝的统治时期,中国经历了文化繁荣的时期。)
- The reign of the current king has brought stability and progress to the nation. (现任国王的统治给国家带来了稳定和进步。)
- Her reign as the CEO was marked by innovation and growth. (作为首席执行官,她的统治以创新和增长为特点。)
- During the reign of the Roman Empire, the city of Rome became a center of power and influence. (在罗马帝国的统治时期,罗马成为了权力和影响力的中心。)
- The long reign of the queen is a testament to her leadership abilities. (女王的长期统治证明了她的领导才能。)
- Throughout his reign, the king was known for his fairness and wisdom. (在他的统治期间,国王以公正和智慧而闻名。)
- After the death of the king, his son ascended to the throne and began his reign. (国王去世后,他的儿子登上王位开始统治。)
- The reign of the tyrant was marked by oppression and fear. (暴君的统治以压迫和恐惧为特点。)
- During the reign of the military dictatorship, freedom of speech was severely restricted. (在军事独裁的统治时期,言论自由受到严重限制。)
- Under the reign of the pharaoh, Egypt witnessed the construction of magnificent pyramids. (在法老的统治下,埃及见证了壮丽金字塔的建造。)
- The reign of the queen came to an end with her sudden abdication. (女王的统治因她突然退位而结束。)
- During his reign, the emperor implemented several reforms to improve the economy. (在他的统治期间,皇帝实施了几项改革以改善经济。)
- Her reign as the world champion lasted for five years before she was dethroned. (她作为世界冠军的统治持续了五年,然后被废黜。)