harmful [ˈhɑːrmfl]:有害的 harmless [ˈhɑːrmləs]:无害的名词:
harm [hɑːrm]:伤害,损害 harmfulness [ˈhɑːrmfəlnəs]:有害性 harmlessness [ˈhɑːrmləsnəs]:无害性词语辨析:
- harm 和 damage:两者都表示伤害或损坏,但"harm"更常用于描述对人或动物的伤害,而"damage"更常用于描述对物体或财产的损害。词汇扩充:
- harmfully [ˈhɑːrmfəli]:有害地 - harmfulness [ˈhɑːrmfəlnəs]:有害性近义词:
- injury [ˈɪndʒəri]:受伤,伤害 - damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ]:损害,破坏 - hurt [hɜːrt]:伤害,痛苦反义词:
- benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt]:益处,好处 - help [help]:帮助,援助柯林斯词典:
harm [hɑːrm]名词: 1. 伤害,损害 2. 危害,恶果 动词: 1. 伤害,危害
harm [hɑːrm]名词: 1. 伤害,损害 2. 危害,恶果 动词: 1. 伤害,危害
- do harm:造成伤害 - cause harm:引起伤害 - prevent harm:防止伤害 - harm someone's reputation:损害某人的声誉 - harmful to:对...有害 - harmless to:对...无害例句:
- Eating too much sugar can be harmful to your health. (吃太多糖对健康有害。)
- These chemicals are harmless to the environment. (这些化学物质对环境无害。)
- We must do everything we can to prevent harm to the endangered species. (我们必须尽一切努力防止对濒危物种的伤害。)
- The harmfulness of smoking is well-known. (吸烟的有害性是众所周知的。)
- The harmlessness of the substance was confirmed by the tests. (该物质的无害性已经通过测试得到确认。)
- She was afraid that the medication would harm her unborn baby. (她担心药物会对她未出生的孩子造成伤害。)
- Excessive exposure to the sun can harm your skin. (过度暴露在阳光下会伤害你的皮肤。)
- We need to find a solution that minimizes harm to the environment. (我们需要找到一种最小化对环境伤害的解决方案。)
- The new law aims to protect children from harm. (新法旨在保护儿童免受伤害。)
- He claimed that the company's actions had caused him harm and sought compensation. (他声称公司的行为给他造成了损害,并寻求赔偿。)
- The medicine can bring great benefit to patients without causing any harm. (这种药物可以给患者带来巨大的好处,而不会造成任何伤害。)
- It is important to prevent harm to the environment for future generations. (对于子孙后代来说,防止对环境的伤害至关重要。)
- The accident resulted in serious damage to the building. (事故导致建筑物严重受损。)
- The earthquake damaged many houses in the area. (地震使该地区的许多房屋受损。)
- He was hurt in a car accident and had to stay in the hospital. (他在一次车祸中受伤,不得不住院。)
- The negative comments harm his reputation as an artist. (负面评论损害了他作为艺术家的声誉。)
- The company is committed to producing harmless products that are safe for consumers. (该公司致力于生产对消费者安全无害的产品。)
- The chemical spill had long-lasting harmful effects on the local ecosystem. (化学泄漏对当地生态系统产生了长期的有害影响。)
- The harmfulness of smoking has been proven by numerous studies. (吸烟的有害性已被众多研究证实。)
- Playing video games in moderation is generally considered harmless. (适度玩电子游戏通常被认为是无害的。)
- He was arrested for harming animals in the national park. (他因在国家公园里伤害动物而被逮捕。)
- The new regulations aim to prevent harm to consumers by improving product safety standards. (新规定旨在通过提高产品安全标准来防止对消费者的伤害。)
- The company was found guilty of causing harm to the environment due to improper waste disposal. (该公司因不当处理废物导致对环境造成损害而被判有罪。)
- Using harsh chemicals can harm the delicate balance of nature. (使用刺激性化学物质会破坏自然的微妙平衡。)
- The harmlessness of the new cleaning product was confirmed through rigorous testing. (通过严格的测试确认了新清洁产品的无害性。)