形容词 (Adjective) 1. 不同的,对比的 (Differing, in contrast)例句:The two paintings are strongly contrasted in style. (这两幅画在风格上截然不同。) 2. 相对的,对立的 (Opposite, opposing)
例句:His calmness contrasted with her agitation. (他的冷静与她的激动形成了鲜明对比。) 名词 (Noun) 1. 对照,对比 (Comparison, opposition)
例句:The contrast between the two cultures is striking. (这两种文化之间的对比很显著。)
1. contrasting (形容词):对比的,对照的 (Differing, in contrast) 2. contrastingly (副词):不同地,对比地 (In a contrasting manner)近义词
1. differentiate (动词):区分,辨别 (Distinguish, discriminate) 2. juxtapose (动词):并列,并置 (Place side by side, compare)反义词
1. similar (形容词):相似的,类似的 (Alike, comparable) 2. same (形容词):相同的,一样的 (Identical, equal)柯林斯词典
contrasted (形容词) 1. If you say that one thing is contrasted with another, you mean that the two things are very different from each other. (如果你说一件事与另一件事形成对比,你的意思是这两件事彼此非常不同。)牛津词典
contrasted (形容词) 1. Set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences. (对比以显示或强调差异。) 2. Compared in such a way as to emphasize differences. (通过对比来强调差异。)用法
- contrasted with/to: 与...形成对比 - contrasted sharply/starkly: 形成鲜明对比 - contrasted styles/cultures: 不同的风格/文化例句
- The contrast between her pale skin and dark hair was striking. (她苍白的皮肤和黑色的头发形成了鲜明的对比。)
- The artist contrasted light and shadow to create a dramatic effect. (艺术家通过对比光与影来营造戏剧效果。)
- His cheerful personality contrasted with her gloomy demeanor. (他开朗的个性与她阴郁的举止形成了对比。)
- The contrasting opinions of the two experts led to a lively debate. (这两位专家截然不同的意见引发了一场激烈的辩论。)
- In contrast to the previous model, the new design offers improved functionality. (与先前的模型相比,新设计提供了改进的功能。)
- The contrasting colors of the painting create a vibrant and dynamic composition. (画作中对比鲜明的颜色营造出了生动而有活力的构图。)
- The characters in the novel are carefully contrasted to highlight their contrasting personalities. (小说中的人物被精心对比,以突出他们迥异的个性。)
- The contrasting temperatures between day and night make the desert climate extreme. (白天和夜晚之间的温差使得沙漠气候极端。)
- In this photo, the bright red flower is strongly contrasted against the green background. (在这张照片中,鲜红的花朵与绿色的背景形成了强烈的对比。)
- The contrasting ideologies of the two political parties led to a heated election campaign. (这两个政党截然不同的意识形态导致了一场激烈的选举运动。)
- The article contrasts the benefits and drawbacks of living in a city versus living in the countryside. (这篇文章对比了在城市生活和在乡村生活的利弊。)
- His kind and gentle demeanor contrasted sharply with his aggressive playing style on the basketball court. (他亲切温和的举止与他在篮球场上的激进打法形成了鲜明对比。)
- The contrasting textures of the fabric give the dress an interesting and unique look. (面料的对比质地使得这件连衣裙看起来有趣而独特。)
- The contrasting flavors of sweet and sour create a delicious taste sensation. (甜和酸的对比味道营造出美味的口感。)
- The director used contrasting lighting techniques to highlight the contrast between the two scenes. (导演使用对比的照明技巧来突出两个场景之间的对比。)
- The contrasting viewpoints of the characters provide depth and complexity to the storyline. (人物之间截然不同的观点为故事情节提供了深度和复杂性。)
- The contrasting patterns on the wallpaper create an interesting visual effect. (壁纸上对比鲜明的图案营造出有趣的视觉效果。)
- The contrasting sounds of the piano and violin blend harmoniously in the musical composition. (钢琴和小提琴截然不同的声音在音乐作品中和谐地融合在一起。)
- The contrasting personalities of the two main characters drive the conflict in the story. (两位主要角色迥异的个性推动了故事中的冲突。)
- The contrasting weather conditions make this region ideal for agriculture. (截然不同的气候条件使得该地区非常适合农业。)