形容词: 1. 自由的,不受限制的 2. 无拘束的,无羁绊的 3. 开放的,自由主义的 名词: 1. 自由人,自由民 2. 独立思考者,自由主义者词语辨析:
- free:指不受限制、束缚的状态,也可指没有被占用、可使用的状态。 - people:泛指人类,特指某个国家、地区或群体的人。词汇扩充:
- free market:自由市场 - free speech:言论自由 - free will:自由意志 - free trade:自由贸易近义词:
- independent - liberated - emancipated反义词:
- enslaved - oppressed - restricted柯林斯词典:
freepeople (noun)1. people who are free and not slaves
2. people who are independent and able to make their own decisions and choices freepeople (adjective)
1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery
2. pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty
3. existing under, characterized by, or possessing civil and political liberties
4. enjoying political independence, as a people or nation
freepeople (noun)People who are not slaves; independent individuals freepeople (adjective)
Not enslaved or imprisoned; able to act or be done as one wishes; not subject to arbitrary interference or restriction
- The country fought for the freedom and rights of its freepeople. (名词) - The freepeople rejoiced when slavery was abolished. (名词) - They lived in a society that valued freepeople. (名词) - She lived a freepeople life, unburdened by societal expectations. (形容词) - The government implemented policies to protect the rights of freepeople. (形容词)相关例句
- He fought for the rights of freepeople around the world. 他为世界各地的自由人而战斗。
- The country's constitution guarantees the rights of freepeople. 这个国家的宪法保障自由人的权利。
- The freepeople celebrated their independence on this day. 自由人在这一天庆祝他们的独立。
- She is a strong advocate for the rights of freepeople. 她是自由人权利的坚决捍卫者。
- They formed a community of like-minded freepeople. 他们组建了一个志同道合的自由人社群。
- The country is known for its commitment to freepeople and human rights. 这个国家以致力于自由人和人权而闻名。
- The artist's work is inspired by the struggles and triumphs of freepeople. 这位艺术家的作品受到自由人的奋斗和胜利的启发。
- She believes in empowering freepeople to make their own choices and decisions. 她相信赋予自由人自主选择和决策的权力。
- The government should protect the rights and liberties of all freepeople. 政府应该保护所有自由人的权利和自由。
- The organization provides support and resources for freepeople in need. 这个组织为有需要的自由人提供支持和资源。
- They celebrated the emancipation of freepeople with a grand parade. 他们举行盛大的游行庆祝自由人的解放。
- She fought tirelessly for the rights of freepeople in her community. 她为社区中自由人的权利而不知疲倦地奋斗。
- They believe in the power and potential of freepeople to create positive change. 他们相信自由人创造积极变革的力量和潜力。
- He dedicated his life to advocating for the rights and equality of freepeople. 他把生命奉献给了为自由人的权利和平等而奋斗。
- The freepeople demanded justice and equality for all. 自由人要求公正和平等。
- She is a pioneer in the fight for the rights and liberation of freepeople. 她是为自由人的权利和解放而战斗的先驱。
- They believe that education is key to empowering freepeople and breaking the cycle of poverty. 他们相信教育是赋予自由人权力并打破贫困循环的关键。
- The organization provides legal aid to freepeople who cannot afford representation. 这个组织为无力支付代表费用的自由人提供法律援助。
- She dedicated her career to defending the rights and freedoms of freepeople. 她把自己的职业生涯奉献给了捍卫自由人的权利和自由。
- They believe that every individual should have the right to be a freepeople. 他们相信每个人都应该有成为自由人的权利。
- The country's constitution enshrines the rights and liberties of all freepeople. 这个国家的宪法确立了所有自由人的权利和自由。