throw is a verb.
1. throw: a light cover for furniture
2. throw: an act or instance of throwing something
3. throw: the distance that something is thrown
4. throw: a light, single-layer coat or wrap
5. throw: an act or instance of throwing dice
6. throw: a throwaway line or joke
throw vs. toss: Both words mean to propel something through the air with a motion of the hand or arm, but "throw" often suggests greater force or distance.
- thrower: noun, a person who throws
- thrown: past participle of "throw"
- thrower's arm: noun, the arm used for throwing
- throw-in: noun, an act of throwing the ball back into play in some sports
- throw weight: noun, the maximum weight that a missile or projectile can carry
- throw rug: noun, a small rug or carpet
- hurl
- cast
- fling
- pitch
- launch
- catch
- receive
- retrieve
1. If you throw something, you use your hand to move it through the air and make it land somewhere else.
2. If you throw something that you are holding, you release it, so that it moves through the air.
3. If you throw an object, you cause it to move suddenly, often with a lot of force.
1. Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.
2. Cause to enter suddenly a particular state or condition.
3. Direct (a look or expression) suddenly in a specified direction.
1. She threw the ball to her friend.
2. He threw his hat onto the bed.
3. The pitcher threw a fastball.
1. She threw the ball to her friend. (她把球扔给了她的朋友。)
2. He threw his hat onto the bed. (他把帽子扔到了床上。)
3. The pitcher threw a fastball. (投手投了一个快球。)
4. He throws a great party every year. (他每年都办一场盛大的聚会。)
5. The quarterback threw a touchdown pass. (四分卫传了一个触地得分的传球。)
6. The child threw a tantrum in the store. (孩子在商店里发脾气。)
7. She threw a coin into the fountain for good luck. (她为了好运向喷泉扔了一枚硬币。)
8. He threw the dice and rolled a seven. (他掷骰子掷出了七点。)
9. The artist threw a pot on the pottery wheel. (艺术家在陶瓷车上拉坯。)
10. The politician threw his support behind the new policy. (政治家力挺新政策。)
11. She threw a party to celebrate her promotion. (她举办了一场庆祝晋升的聚会。)
12. He threw himself into his work. (他全身心投入工作。)
13. She threw a sidelong glance at him. (她斜眼看了他一眼。)
14. The horse threw its rider. (马把骑手摔下来。)
15. He threw his opponent to the ground. (他把对手摔倒在地。)
16. The storm threw the ship off course. (暴风雨使船偏离航线。)
17. He threw a punch at his opponent. (他向对手出拳。)
18. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. (她抱住他紧紧地。)
19. The toddler threw a tantrum and started crying. (小孩发脾气开始哭了起来。)
20. The gymnast threw herself into a series of flips and twists. (体操运动员进行了一连串的翻筋斗和扭转动作。)