形容词: 1. 皮革的,皮制的 2. 皮质的,皮肤的 名词: 1. 皮革,皮子 2. 皮质材料,皮革制品 3. 皮革制造业
leather vs. suede: Leather 指的是经过处理的动物皮革,表面光滑坚固;而 suede 则指的是经过磨砂处理的动物皮革,表面柔软细腻,通常用于制作鞋子、手套等。 leather vs. faux leather: Leather 指的是真正的动物皮革;而 faux leather 则指的是人造皮革,通常由合成材料制成,外观类似皮革。 leather vs. patent leather: Leather 指的是普通的皮革;而 patent leather 则指的是经过特殊处理的有光泽的皮革,常用于制作鞋子、包包等。
1. leather goods 皮具 2. leather jacket 皮夹克 3. leather shoes 皮鞋 4. leather belt 皮带 5. leather upholstery 皮革座椅 6. leather wallet 皮夹子 7. leather handbag 皮包 8. leather care 皮革护理 9. leathercraft 皮革工艺 10. patent leather shoes 亮皮鞋
hide, skin, pelt
fabric, textile
leather 1. Leather is a material made from the skin of an animal by tanning or a similar process. It is used for making shoes, clothes, furniture, and other things. 2. Leather is the skin of an animal that is used to make clothes, shoes, furniture, and other things. 3. If you say that something is leather, you mean that it is made of leather or covered with leather. 4. If you describe a person's skin or hair as leather, you mean that it is dark and looks thick and tough. 5. If you say that someone has a leather face, you mean that their skin looks tough and is often wrinkled, especially because they have spent a lot of time outdoors.
leather 1. Material made from the skin of an animal by tanning or a similar process. 2. The skin of an animal, with the hair removed, prepared for use by tanning or a similar process. 3. (informal) A thing made of leather, in particular. 4. (informal) The skin of a dead animal with fur, wool, or hair still on it.
1. She wore a leather jacket and boots. 2. The car has leather seats. 3. He has a leather wallet. 4. The leather industry is an important sector in this country. 5. The leather on the chair is starting to crack.
- 这款手提包是由优质皮革制成的。This handbag is made of high-quality leather.
- 他戴着一顶黑色皮帽。He wore a black leather hat.
- 我喜欢这双皮鞋。I like these leather shoes.
- 这个钱包是由人造皮革制成的。This wallet is made of faux leather.
- 这个包包是由特殊处理的皮革制成的。This bag is made of patent leather.
- 她用湿布擦拭了皮革座椅。She wiped the leather upholstery with a wet cloth.
- 他拥有一家皮具店。He owns a leather goods store.
- 这张椅子的皮革已经开裂了。The leather on this chair is cracked.
- 他是一位皮革工匠,擅长制作手工皮革制品。He is a leathercraft artisan who excels in handmade leather products.
- 你的皮肤看起来很健康。Your skin looks very healthy.
- 她戴着一副皮手套。She wore a pair of leather gloves.
- 他有一张硬朗的皮肤。He has a tough skin.
- 他的皮肤受到了烈日的侵害。His skin has been damaged by the intense sun.
- 他的皮肤像纸一样薄。His skin is as thin as paper.
- 他深色的皮肤表明他在户外工作。His dark skin indicates that he works outdoors.
- 他是一个皮肤粗糙、经常有皱纹的人。He is a person with leather face and often wrinkled skin.
- 她是一个有着一张皮肤粗糙、经常有皱纹的老太太。She is an old lady with a leather face and often wrinkled skin.
- 他是一个皮肤晒黑的农民。He is a farmer with leather tanned skin.
- 他是一个经常在户外工作的人,皮肤晒黑。He is a person who often works outdoors and has leather tanned skin.
- 她是一个经过多年户外工作,皮肤晒黑的女孩。She is a girl who has leather tanned skin after years of outdoor work.
- 她是一个年轻女子,皮肤看起来像是经过太阳暴晒的。She is a young woman with leather looking skin as if it has been exposed to the sun.