1. 醉的,喝醉的
2. 酒醉的,酩酊大醉的
3. (非正式)陶醉的,痴迷的
1. 醉汉,酒鬼
2. 饮酒过度的人
1. drunk vs intoxicated:
- drunk强调喝醉的状态,多用于口语和非正式场合。
- intoxicated强调被酒精麻醉或药物麻醉的状态,更正式严肃。
- drunkenness: 醉酒,酒醉状态
- tipsy: 略微醉的
- inebriated: 喝醉的
- inebriated
- intoxicated
- tipsy
- sober: 清醒的
1. If someone is drunk, they have drunk so much alcohol that they cannot speak clearly or behave sensibly.
2. If someone is drunk, they have drunk too much alcohol and are not sober.
1. A drunk is someone who is drunk.
2. If you say that someone is a drunk, you mean that they often get drunk. (disapproval)
1. Affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior.
2. (of a person) habitually in a state of intoxication.
1. A person who is drunk or who habitually drinks excessively.
2. A bout of prolonged and excessive drinking; an occasion of drunkenness.
1. I had a few drinks and got drunk at the party.
2. He came home drunk last night.
3. She was so drunk that she couldn't walk straight.
4. Tom often behaves like a drunk at parties.
- He was so drunk that he couldn't even stand up.(他喝得醉醺醺的,连站都站不起来。)
- She got drunk at the party and had to be carried home.(她在聚会上喝醉了,不得不被人抬回家。)
- The driver was found to be drunk and was arrested.(司机被发现是酒驾,被逮捕了。)
- He became a drunk after losing his job.(失业后他变得酗酒。)
- She married a drunk and spent years trying to help him get sober.(她嫁给了一个酒鬼,花了好多年帮他戒酒。)
- He is a notorious drunk in our neighborhood.(他是我们社区里臭名昭著的酒鬼。)
- After a night of heavy drinking, he woke up with a terrible hangover.(喝了一晚上,他醒来时头痛欲裂。)
- She had a tipsy smile on her face.(她脸上露出微醺的笑容。)
- I hate being around intoxicated people.(我讨厌和醉酒的人在一起。)
- He is always sober and never gets drunk.(他总是清醒的,从不喝醉。)
- She was arrested for drunk driving.(她因酒后驾驶被逮捕。)
- He is known as a heavy drinker and a drunk.(他以酒量大和酒鬼著称。)
- She couldn't remember anything from the night because she was completely drunk.(她什么都记不得了,因为她喝得彻底醉了。)
- The party was a disaster with everyone getting drunk and causing trouble.(聚会一团糟,每个人都喝醉了,闹出了麻烦。)
- He was fired from his job because of his drunken behavior.(因为他醉酒行为,他被解雇了。)
- She had to take care of her drunk husband and clean up his mess.(她不得不照顾她醉酒的丈夫,还要收拾他留下的烂摊子。)
- He always gets drunk and starts picking fights at the bar.(他总是喝醉后在酒吧里找事。)
- She woke up with a hangover and regretted getting drunk the night before.(她醒来时头痛欲裂,后悔昨晚喝醉了。)
- He had to call a taxi because he was too drunk to drive.(他太醉了,只能打电话叫了辆出租车。)
- The drunk stumbled down the street, bumping into people along the way.(醉汉踉跄着穿过街道,一路上撞到了人。)
- She was embarrassed by her drunk behavior at the party.(她为自己在聚会上的醉态感到尴尬。)