1. 受人尊敬的,受人敬重的
英文释义:regarded with great respect or admiration
词汇扩充:honorable, respected, esteemed
1. I feel honored to have been invited to speak at this prestigious event. (我感到很荣幸能够受邀在这个崇高的活动中演讲。)
2. He is an honored guest at the ceremony. (他是仪式上备受尊敬的客人。)
3. The honored professor received a standing ovation at the conference. (备受尊敬的教授在会议上受到了起立鼓掌。)
2. 光荣的,荣耀的
英文释义:bringing or conferring great honor
词汇扩充:glorious, prestigious, celebrated
1. He was awarded the honored title of "Knight of the Order." (他被授予了“勋章骑士”的荣誉称号。)
2. The team achieved an honored victory in the championship. (该队在锦标赛中取得了一场光荣的胜利。)
3. It was an honored tradition passed down through generations. (这是一项世代相传的光荣传统。)
3. 受宠的,被推崇的
英文释义:given special attention or privilege
词汇扩充:favored, privileged, esteemed
1. She was the honored guest at the party and received VIP treatment. (她是派对上备受宠爱的客人,享受了贵宾待遇。)
2. The honored employees were given extra benefits and perks. (受到推崇的员工享受额外的福利和优惠。)
3. The honored members of the society were invited to the exclusive event. (社会上备受尊崇的成员受邀参加了独家活动。)
1. 荣幸,光荣
英文释义:a privilege or pleasure
词汇扩充:privilege, pleasure, pride
1. It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you. (能够见到您真是我的荣幸和快乐。)
2. Being able to represent my country in the Olympics is a great honor. (能够代表我的国家参加奥运会是一种巨大的荣誉。)
3. He accepted the award with great honor and gratitude. (他怀着极大的荣誉和感激接受了这个奖项。)
2. 荣誉称号,头衔
英文释义:a title or position indicating high rank or distinction
词汇扩充:title, distinction, rank
1. The queen bestowed the honored title of "Duke" upon him. (女王授予他“公爵”的荣誉称号。)
2. He was awarded the honored rank of General for his outstanding military service. (因其卓越的军事服务,他被授予了“将军”的高级称号。)
3. The honored position of Chief Executive Officer comes with great responsibilities. (首席执行官这个备受尊敬的职位伴随着巨大的责任。)
- respected:表示受人尊敬,常用于个人品德或行为方面的评价。
例句:She is a respected scholar in the field of economics. (她是经济学领域备受尊敬的学者。)
- esteemed:强调被尊敬和推崇的程度更高,常用于社会地位或专业领域的评价。
例句:He is an esteemed professor at the university. (他是大学里备受尊敬的教授。)
- revered:表示受到崇敬和崇拜,常用于宗教或精神领域的评价。
例句:The Dalai Lama is a revered spiritual leader. (达赖喇嘛是一位备受崇敬的精神领袖。)
- honorable:表示值得尊敬的,与"honored"在意义上相似,用于形容个人或行为。
例句:He is known for his honorable conduct and integrity. (他以他光荣的行为和正直而闻名。)
- respected:表示受人尊敬的,在社会上享有良好声誉。
例句:She is a respected leader in the community. (她是社区中备受尊敬的领导。)
- esteemed:表示被推崇或尊敬的,在特定领域或社会地位上享有声望。
例句:He is an esteemed professor in the field of medicine. (他是医学领域备受推崇的教授。)
- respected
- esteemed
- venerated
- revered
- admired
- disrespected
- dishonored
- scorned
- despised
- disregarded
1. If you describe someone as honored, you mean that they have been given a special opportunity or responsibility.
2. If someone has an honored position or title, they have been given a special rank or title, often as a reward for something they have done.
1. If you have the honor of doing something, you have the opportunity to do it, and you are proud and pleased to do it.
2. Honors are special awards given to people to reward them for something they have achieved.
1. Regarded with great respect or admiration.
2. Having been awarded an official title or given official respect or thanks.
1. A privilege.
2. A thing conferred as a distinction, especially an official award for bravery or achievement.
- "honored"作为形容词或名词,常用于表示对某人或某事的赞美、尊敬或感激之情。
- 形容词"honored"可以修饰人、职位、称号或名誉,表示受到尊敬、推崇或受到特殊待遇。
- 名词"honor"有时也可用作"honored"的同义词,表示对某事或某人的尊重、荣耀或赞誉。
- "honored"常用于正式场合、官方奖励或表达谦恭之情的语境中。
- I feel honored to have been invited to speak at this prestigious event. (我感到很荣幸能够受邀在这个崇高的活动中演讲。)
- He is an honored guest at the ceremony. (他是仪式上备受尊敬的客人。)
- The honored professor received a standing ovation at the conference. (备受尊敬的教授在会议上受到了起立鼓掌。)
- He was awarded the honored title of "Knight of the Order." (他被授予了“勋章骑士”的荣誉称号。)
- The team achieved an honored victory in the championship. (该队在锦标赛中取得了一场光荣的胜利。)
- It was an honored tradition passed down through generations. (这是一项世代相传的光荣传统。)
- She was the honored guest at the party and received VIP treatment. (她是派对上备受宠爱的客人,享受了贵宾待遇。)
- The honored employees were given extra benefits and perks. (受到推崇的员工享受额外的福利和优惠。)
- The honored members of the society were invited to the exclusive event. (社会上备受尊崇的成员受邀参加了独家活动。)
- It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you. (能够见到您真是我的荣幸和快乐。)
- Being able to represent my country in the Olympics is a great honor. (能够代表我的国家参加奥运会是一种巨大的荣誉。)
- He accepted the award with great honor and gratitude. (他怀着极大的荣誉和感激接受了这个奖项。)
- The queen bestowed the honored title of "Duke" upon him. (女王授予他“公爵”的荣誉称号。)
- He was awarded the honored rank of General for his outstanding military service. (因其卓越的军事服务,他被授予了“将军”的高级称号。)
- The honored position of Chief Executive Officer comes with great responsibilities. (首席执行官这个备受尊敬的职位伴随着巨大的责任。)
- He is known for his honorable conduct and integrity. (他以他光荣的行为和正直而闻名。)
- She is a respected leader in the community. (她是社区中备受尊敬的领导。)
- He is an esteemed professor in the field of medicine. (他是医学领域备受推崇的教授。)
- She is a respected scholar in the field of economics. (她是经济学领域备受尊敬的学者。)
- The Dalai Lama is a revered spiritual leader. (达赖喇嘛是一位备受崇敬的精神领袖。)