1. 含有牛奶的;牛奶般的
- Milky coffee - 牛奶咖啡
- Her skin was milky and smooth. - 她的皮肤白皙而光滑。
2. 乳白色的
- The milky color of the sky at dawn. - 黎明时天空的乳白色。
- Milky quartz - 乳白色石英
3. 含乳汁的
- Milky sap - 乳汁
4. 平淡无奇的;无力的
- Milky performance - 平淡的表演
- His milky response disappointed the audience. - 他乏力的回应令观众失望。
1. 乳白色;乳白色物质
- The milky color of the paint. - 油漆的乳白色。
- She poured the milky into a glass. - 她把牛奶倒入玻璃杯中。
2. 乳汁
- The kitten was drinking its mother's milky. - 小猫正在喝它妈妈的乳汁。
milky, creamy, lacteal, lacteous
- Milky 指颜色或外观像牛奶的;含有牛奶或乳汁的。
- Creamy 指像奶油一样的颜色、质感或味道。
- Lacteal 指与乳汁相关的,特别是指液体或分泌物。
- Lacteous 指与乳汁相关的,特别是指物质的性质或外观。
- Milky way - 银河系
- Milky quartz - 乳白色石英
- Milky chance - 德国流行乐团
creamy, lacteal, lacteous, opaque, pearly
clear, transparent
1. 含有牛奶的;牛奶般的
Milky means containing or relating to milk.
2. 乳白色的
If something is milky, it is a pale white colour.
1. 乳白色;乳白色物质
Milky is used to describe things that are pale white in colour or have a pale white appearance.
2. 乳汁
Milky is used to describe things that are pale white in colour or have a pale white appearance.
1. 含有牛奶的;牛奶般的
Containing or resembling milk.
2. 乳白色的
Having a pale white colour.
1. 乳白色;乳白色物质
A pale white colour or substance.
2. 乳汁
- The milky coffee tasted delicious. (牛奶咖啡很好喝)
- She wore a milky white dress. (她穿着一件乳白色的连衣裙)
- The plant's milky sap is poisonous. (这种植物的乳汁有毒)
- The milky color of the sky was breathtaking. (天空的乳白色令人惊叹)
- He had a milky complexion. (他有着乳白色的肤色)
- They sell fresh milk and milky desserts. (他们出售新鲜的牛奶和奶制甜点)
- The kitten eagerly lapped up its mother's milky. (小猫渴望地舔食着妈妈的乳汁)
- The milky way stretched across the night sky. (银河系横亘在夜空中)
- She collected milky quartz as a hobby. (她以收集乳白色石英为爱好)
- The milky performance failed to impress the audience. (平淡的表演未能给观众留下印象)
- The artist used milky shades to create a dreamy atmosphere. (艺术家使用乳白色调营造了梦幻般的氛围)
- He poured a splash of milky into his tea. (他往茶里倒了一点点牛奶)
- The milky color of the paint matched the walls perfectly. (油漆的乳白色与墙壁完美搭配)
- Her milky complexion was admired by many. (她白皙的肤色受到许多人的赞赏)
- He added a milky texture to the painting. (他给画作增添了乳白色的质感)
- The milky light of the moon illuminated the night sky. (月亮的乳白色光芒照亮了夜空)
- The baby eagerly suckled on its mother's milky. (婴儿渴望地吮吸着妈妈的乳汁)
- She used milky hues to create a soft and calming atmosphere in the room. (她使用乳白色调在房间里营造了柔和而宁静的氛围)
- The milky taste of the ice cream was delightful. (冰淇淋的乳白味道令人愉悦)
- He gazed up at the milky way in awe. (他惊叹地仰望着银河系)
- The milky liquid spilled over the edge of the glass. (乳白色液体溢出玻璃杯边缘)