中英词典 - "categories"
1. categorical
英 [ˌkætəˈɡɒrɪkl] 美 [ˌkætəˈɡɔrɪkl]
[形] 绝对的;无条件的;直截了当的
1. category
英 [ˈkætɪɡəri] 美 [ˈkætəˌɡɔri]
[名] 类别;范畴;种类
category, classification, class, group, type
- category:最常用的词,指一组具有相似特点的事物的整体。
- classification:指将事物按照共同特征进行系统的分类。
- class:指一组相似的事物,通常用于科学、社会等领域的分类。
- group:泛指事物的集合,没有明确的分类标准。
- type:指具有某种特征或特性的事物的种类。
subcategories, major categories, specific categories, broad categories
classification, class, grouping, division, type, sort, genre
individual, item, unit, detail, particular, specific
categories (名词): A category is a particular group or type of thing, for example a type of product or a type of social behavior.
categories (名词): A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics.
1. The books are arranged by category.
2. There are three main categories of membership.
3. The products fall into different price categories.
4. She won in the best actress category.
5. The film fits into the horror genre.
6. They are exploring new categories of products.
7. The report is divided into several major categories.
8. The article discusses the various subcategories of the disease.
9. The items are grouped into different categories.
10. Please select the appropriate category for your inquiry.
- The books are categorized into different categories based on their genres. (这些书籍根据其流派被分为不同的类别。)
- The products are divided into several major categories for easy navigation. (产品被分为几个主要类别,方便浏览。)
- She won first place in the sports category of the competition. (她在比赛的体育类别中获得了第一名。)
- There are various subcategories within the science field. (科学领域内有各种各样的子类别。)
- He has expertise in the field of computer programming and falls into the category of software developers. (他在计算机编程领域有专长,属于软件开发人员的范畴。)
- Art can be classified into different categories such as painting, sculpture, and photography. (艺术可以分为不同的类别,如绘画、雕塑和摄影。)
- The products are sorted into specific categories to facilitate online shopping. (产品按照具体类别进行排序,以便于网上购物。)
- She excels in the category of classical music and has won numerous awards. (她在古典音乐类别中表现出色,并赢得了无数奖项。)
- They have identified new categories of potential customers for their marketing campaign. (他们为他们的市场营销活动确定了新的潜在客户类别。)
- The report includes an analysis of different demographic categories. (报告包括了对不同人口统计类别的分析。)
- He falls into the category of artists who express themselves through abstract paintings. (他属于通过抽象画作表达自己的艺术家类别。)
- His behavior can be classified into the category of impulsive actions. (他的行为可以归类为冲动的行为类别。)
- The items are organized into broad categories to make it easier for customers to find what they need. (物品被划分为广泛的类别,以便顾客更容易找到他们需要的东西。)
- The company has a range of products across different price categories. (该公司在不同的价格类别中有多种产品。)
- He won the award in the category of best new author. (他在最佳新作者类别中获得了奖项。)
- The survey asked participants to select their preferred category of music. (调查要求参与者选择他们喜欢的音乐类别。)
- She is researching different categories of plants found in tropical rainforests. (她正在研究热带雨林中的不同植物类别。)
- They are introducing a new category of products to target a younger demographic. (他们正在推出一种新的产品类别,以吸引年轻的人口统计类别。)
- He is classified as a professional athlete in the category of track and field. (他被归类为田径运动的专业运动员类别。)
- The report provides an overview of the major categories of consumer spending. (该报告概述了消费支出的主要类别。)
- They won the award for best documentary in the non-fiction category. (他们在非虚构类别中获得了最佳纪录片奖。)