中文翻译:不可预测的,不可预料的,不可预计的,不可预测性的 英文释义: 1. Not able to be predicted, foreseen, or anticipated. 2. Not following a regular pattern; erratic.名词
中文翻译:不可预测性 英文释义:the quality or state of being unpredictable词语辨析:
- unpredictable与capricious的区别:unpredictable强调无法预测,无法预料;capricious强调行为多变,难以捉摸。词汇扩充:
- unpredictably (adverb):无法预测地,无法预料地 - unpredictability (noun):不可预测性,不可预测的事物近义词:
- uncertain:不确定的,不可预测的 - erratic:不规律的,不稳定的 - volatile:不稳定的,易变的 - random:随机的,任意的反义词:
- predictable:可预测的,可预料的,可预计的柯林斯词典解释:
unpredictable (adjective) If you describe someone or something as unpredictable, you mean that you cannot tell what they are going to do or how they are going to behave.例句: 1. His moods were becoming increasingly unpredictable. 2. The weather is so unpredictable at this time of year.
unpredictable (adjective) Not able to be predicted; changeable.例句: 1. The situation in the region remains unpredictable. 2. The outcome of the game is unpredictable.
- 他的行为变得越来越难以预测。 His behavior has become increasingly unpredictable.
- 这个计划的成功与否很难预测。 The success of this plan is unpredictable.
- 他是一个非常难以捉摸的人,你永远不知道他下一步会做什么。 He is a very unpredictable person, you never know what he will do next.
- 这个地方的气候变化无常。 The weather in this place is unpredictable.
- 她的反应总是出人意料。 Her reactions are always unpredictable.
- 这个市场变化莫测,你无法预测未来的走势。 This market is unpredictable, you cannot predict its future trends.
- 他的言行总是令人捉摸不透。 His words and actions are always unpredictable.
- 这个项目的成功与否取决于许多不可预测的因素。 The success of this project depends on many unpredictable factors.
- 这是一个无法预计的结果。 This is an unpredictable outcome.
- 他的计划相当不稳定,时常改变。 His plans are quite volatile, they change often.
- 这种情况变化无常,无法准确预测。 This situation is erratic and cannot be accurately predicted.
- 他的行为总是随机的,没有规律可循。 His behavior is always random, with no pattern.
- 市场的变化是不可预测的,你需要做好应对的准备。 The market changes are unpredictable, you need to be prepared to deal with them.
- 这个人的情绪非常不稳定,让人无法捉摸。 This person's mood is very volatile, making it unpredictable.
- 他的计划一直在随机变化,我们无法跟上。 His plans have been constantly changing randomly, and we can't keep up.
- 这个问题的答案是不确定的,所以我们需要更多的信息。 The answer to this question is uncertain, so we need more information.
- 他的行为变得越来越可预测了。 His behavior has become more predictable.
- 她的决定总是很明确,没有什么变化。 Her decisions are always very clear, with no changes.
- 这个模式的重复是可以预测的。 The repetition of this pattern is predictable.
- 我们可以预计他会做出什么选择。 We can predict what choices he will make.