1. 大致的;粗略的:
- The meeting will last roughly two hours.(会议大约持续两个小时。)
- Roughly speaking, there are about 50 people present.(粗略地说,大约有50人在场。)
- The project is roughly estimated to cost around $1 million.(该项目估计大约需要花费100万美元左右。)
- I can only give you a rough idea of the cost.(我只能给你一个大概的费用。)
1. 粗略的地方;崎岖不平的地面:
- They walked carefully over the rough ground.(他们小心地走过崎岖不平的地面。)
- The car struggled to drive on the rough road.(汽车在崎岖的道路上行驶困难。)
2. 粗糙的草图;大致的计划:
- He drew a rough of the building design on a piece of paper.(他在一张纸上画了建筑设计的草图。)
- We need to come up with a rough before we finalize the project plan.(我们需要制定一个大致计划,然后才能最终确定项目计划。)
1. roughly vs approximately vs about vs around
- There are roughly/approximately/about/around 30 students in the class.(班上大约有30个学生。)
- I'll be there at roughly/approximately/about/around 7 o'clock.(我大约7点到那里。)
1. rough
- The surface of the table was rough and uneven.(桌子的表面粗糙而不平。)
- The rough sea made it difficult for the boat to sail.(汹涌的海洋使得船只难以航行。)
- The rough treatment he received was unacceptable.(他所受到的粗暴对待是不可接受的。)
2. approximate
- The approximate cost of the project is $500,000.(该项目的大约费用是50万美元。)
- The approximate time of arrival is 2 p.m.(大约到达时间是下午2点。)
3. inexact
- The measurements were inexact, leading to inaccurate results.(测量结果不准确,导致结果不准确。)
- His description of the event was intentionally inexact.(他对事件的描述是故意不精确的。)
1. 形容词
If you say that a figure or calculation is roughly correct or that something happened at a roughly specified time, you mean that it is correct or that it happened at that time, but not exactly.
2. 副词
Roughly is used to indicate that an amount, value, or time is not exact.
In a rough or approximate way, without giving details or exact figures.
- The plane landed roughly on the runway.(飞机粗糙地降落在跑道上。)
- She had a rough idea of what she wanted to do.(她对自己想做的事有个大致的想法。)
- The map shows roughly where the city is located.(地图上大致标出了城市的位置。)
- The artist made a rough sketch of the landscape.(艺术家对风景画了一张草图。)
- He gave me a rough estimate of the cost.(他给了我一个大概的费用估计。)
- Roughly speaking, the project will take about six months to complete.(粗略地说,这个项目需要大约六个月才能完成。)
- Could you give me a rough idea of how long the journey will take?(你能给我个大致的旅程所需时间吗?)
- The road was rough and bumpy, making the drive uncomfortable.(道路崎岖不平,使得驾驶不舒服。)
- The rough terrain made hiking difficult.(崎岖的地形使得徒步旅行变得困难。)
- He quickly sketched out the rough of his new invention.(他迅速勾勒出他的新发明的草图。)
- We need to come up with a rough plan before we start the project.(我们需要在开始项目之前制定一个大致的计划。)
- She did a rough drawing of her dream house.(她画了一幅她梦想中的房子的草图。)
- They walked roughly five kilometers before reaching the campsite.(他们大约走了五公里才到达营地。)
- There were roughly 20 people waiting in line.(大约有20人在排队等候。)
- The cost will be roughly $100.(费用大约是100美元左右。)
- The meeting lasted roughly two hours.(会议大约持续了两个小时。)
- The company has roughly 500 employees.(该公司大约有500名员工。)
- He estimated the distance to be roughly 10 miles.(他估计距离大约是10英里。)
- Roughly 70% of the population lives in urban areas.(大约70%的人口居住在城市地区。)
- She could only give a rough description of the suspect.(她只能给出对嫌疑人的粗略描述。)
- The rough handling of the fragile items resulted in breakage.(对易碎物品的粗暴处理导致了破损。)