1. 被接受的,被认可的
- The proposal was accepted by the committee. (这项提议被委员会接受了。)
- His ideas were not accepted by the majority. (他的想法未被大多数人接受。)
2. 一般承认的,公认的
- It is an accepted fact that smoking is harmful to health. (吸烟对健康有害是一个被公认的事实。)
- The accepted wisdom is that exercise is good for you. (公认的智慧是锻炼对你有益。)
1. 接受,认可
- Her acceptance of the award was met with applause. (她接受奖项时赢得了掌声。)
- The acceptance of new ideas can lead to progress. (接受新思想可以促进进步。)
2. 接纳,接纳的状态
- He found acceptance among his peers. (他在同龄人中找到了接纳。)
- The child longed for acceptance from his parents. (孩子渴望得到父母的接纳。)
accepted, acknowledged, recognized
acceptability (n.) 可接受性
acceptably (adv.) 可接受地
approved, recognized, sanctioned, acknowledged, confirmed
rejected, refused, denied
accepted in British English
1. adjective
- generally approved, believed, or recognized
- generally agreed upon
2. noun
- acceptance or approval
- a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words
accepted in British English
1. adjective
- generally agreed or approved of
- recognized as being correct or suitable
2. noun
- the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered
- agreement with or belief in an idea, opinion, or explanation
1. "accepted"作为形容词,修饰名词时,常用于表示被普遍接受、认可或公认的事物。
2. "accepted"作为名词,表示接受、认可或接纳的状态。
3. "accepted"常用在进行时态,表示正在被接受或认可的事物。
- His theory is widely accepted in the scientific community. (他的理论在科学界被广泛接受。)
- Their offer was accepted without hesitation. (他们的提议毫不犹豫地被接受了。)
- The accepted practice is to arrive 15 minutes early. (一般的做法是提前15分钟到达。)
- Her acceptance of the award was a surprise to everyone. (她接受奖项的举动让所有人都感到惊讶。)
- The acceptance of new technology has revolutionized the industry. (对新技术的接纳使得这个行业发生了革命。)
- He finally found acceptance among his colleagues. (他最终在同事中找到了接纳。)
- The accepted wisdom is that hard work leads to success. (公认的智慧是努力工作会带来成功。)
- Smoking has long been accepted as a major health risk. (长期以来,吸烟被公认为是一种重大的健康风险。)
- Their accepted solution to the problem was met with skepticism. (他们对问题的解决方案遭到了怀疑。)
- Her ideas were not accepted by the committee. (她的想法未被委员会接受。)
- It is an accepted fact that exercise is beneficial to overall health. (锻炼对整体健康有益是一个被公认的事实。)
- The acceptability of the new policy is being discussed. (新政策的可接受性正在讨论中。)
- She performed her duties acceptably during her time at the company. (她在公司期间表现得还算可接受。)
- The proposal received acknowledged support from the board members. (这项提议得到了董事会成员的公认支持。)
- The recognized expert in the field was invited to speak at the conference. (这位在该领域被公认的专家受邀在会议上发言。)
- The rejected proposal will need to be revised before resubmitting. (被拒绝的提议在重新提交之前需要进行修改。)
- She refused their offer of assistance and insisted on doing it herself. (她拒绝了他们的帮助并坚持自己做。)
- The company denied any wrongdoing in their official statement. (该公司在官方声明中否认了任何不当行为。)