- [被囚] confined or imprisoned
- [被限制] limited or restricted
- [鸟笼] a structure of bars or wire for confining birds or animals
- [囚禁] the act or state of being confined or imprisoned
- cage:鸟笼,囚禁的结构
- enclosure:围栏,圈地
- prison:监狱
- imprisonment:囚禁,禁闭
- confined
- imprisoned
- enclosed
- restricted
- free
- unconfined
- unrestricted
- liberated
caged (adjective)
If you feel caged, you feel trapped or confined, as if you are in a cage.
Example: I felt very caged in, but I just didn't know what to do.
cage (noun)
A cage is a structure of wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept.
Example: The bird was kept in a small cage.
The cage is a prison in which the bird is confined.
Example: The bird sang as if it were in a cage.
caged (adjective)
Confined or imprisoned.
Example: He felt like a caged animal, pacing up and down.
cage (noun)
A structure of bars or wire in which birds or animals are confined.
Example: The monkey was kept in a large cage.
A prison cell.
Example: He spent most of his life behind bars, in a cage.
- I felt caged in, surrounded by walls and unable to escape.(我感到被囚禁在其中,四面墙壁包围,无法逃脱。)
- The lion paced back and forth in its small caged, longing for freedom.(狮子在小笼子里来回踱步,渴望自由。)
- She lived in a caged existence, never venturing beyond the boundaries of her hometown.(她过着被限制的生活,从未冒险超越家乡的界限。)
- The bird fluttered its wings inside the cage, desperate to be let out.(鸟儿在笼子里拍打翅膀,渴望被放出来。)
- His anger made him feel like a caged tiger, ready to pounce at any moment.(他的愤怒让他感觉自己像只被困住的老虎,随时准备扑向任何目标。)
- The zookeeper carefully opened the cage to feed the animals.(动物管理员小心地打开笼子喂养动物。)
- She watched the birds in the cage, envious of their ability to fly freely.(她看着笼子里的鸟儿,羡慕它们自由飞翔的能力。)
- His imprisonment felt like being trapped in a cage with no way out.(他的囚禁感觉就像被困在无法逃脱的笼子里。)
- The caged animals seemed restless, pacing back and forth in their enclosures.(被囚禁的动物们似乎很不安,它们在围栏内来回踱步。)
- The protesters felt like they were in a cage, surrounded by police officers.(抗议者感觉自己像被警察包围在一座笼子里。)
- She longed to break free from the cage of her mundane life and pursue her dreams.(她渴望摆脱平凡生活的笼子,追逐她的梦想。)
- The prisoners spent their days confined to their cages, with little hope of release.(囚犯们整天被限制在囚禁的牢房里,几乎没有获释的希望。)
- He gazed at the caged bird, pondering on the meaning of freedom.(他凝视着笼子里的鸟,思考自由的意义。)
- Her dreams felt caged, unable to grow or flourish in the restrictive environment.(她的梦想感觉受到限制,无法在约束的环境中生长或茁壮。)
- The circus trainer opened the cage, allowing the lion to roam freely for a few minutes.(马戏团训练师打开笼子,让狮子自由地游荡几分钟。)
- The caged tiger paced restlessly, its powerful muscles longing to be stretched.(被囚禁的老虎不停地踱步,它强健的肌肉渴望得到伸展。)
- She felt like a caged bird, longing to spread her wings and explore the world.(她感觉自己像只被囚禁的鸟儿,渴望展翅飞翔并探索世界。)
- His spirit was caged by the demands of his job, leaving little room for personal fulfillment.(他的精神被工作的要求所束缚,几乎没有个人成就的空间。)
- The prisoners' only solace was the small window in their cage, through which they could glimpse the outside world.(囚犯们唯一的慰藉是笼子里那扇小窗户,透过它们能够瞥见外面的世界。)
- The caged animals grew restless, sensing the approaching storm.(被囚禁的动物们变得不安,感觉到了即将来临的风暴。)