1. 违反的,破坏的 (adjective: not conforming to or in violation of)
2. 破裂的,被打破的 (adjective: broken or ruptured)
1. 违反,破坏 (noun: an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct)
2. (法律、政策等的)违反,破裂 (noun: an infraction or violation, as of a law, trust, faith, or promise)
3. 缺口,裂口 (noun: an opening made by battering, hacking, or tearing, as in a wall, fortification, or levee)
breach (verb): 违反,破坏 (to fail to observe or perform a law, agreement, or code of conduct)
break (verb): 打破,破碎 (to separate into parts or pieces)
rupture (verb): 破裂,断裂 (to break or burst, especially a bodily part or organ)
1. data breaches: 数据泄露
2. security breaches: 安全漏洞
3. breach of contract: 违约
4. breach of trust: 违反信任
5. breach of confidentiality: 泄露机密
1. violation: 违反,违背
2. infraction: 违反,违法
3. transgression: 违反,违背
4. trespass: 侵犯,闯入
5. infringement: 违反,侵害
1. compliance: 遵守
2. observance: 遵守,遵循
3. fulfillment: 履行,完成
4. obedience: 服从,听从
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义:
breach (noun):
1. 违反,破坏 (a failure to do something that must be done by law)
2. 缺口,裂口 (an opening made by breaking through a wall, fence, etc.)
breach (verb):
1. 违反,破坏 (to break a law, rule, etc.)
2. 打破,破裂 (to make a hole in a wall, fence, etc.)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义:
breach (noun):
1. 违反,破坏 (an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct)
2. 缺口,裂口 (a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense, especially one made by an attacking army)
breach (verb):
1. 违反,破坏 (make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense))
2. 破裂,裂开 (break or fail to observe (a law, agreement, or code of conduct))
1. The company suffered a breach of their computer systems, resulting in a data leak. (名词)
2. The soldier managed to breach the enemy's defenses. (动词)
3. The employee was fired for breaching company policy. (动词)
- The company was fined for breaching environmental regulations. (公司因违反环保法规而被罚款。)
- There was a breach in the wall caused by the earthquake. (墙上有一个地震造成的缺口。)
- He breached his contract by failing to deliver the promised goods. (他未能交付承诺的商品,违反了合同。)
- The hacker managed to breach the company's cybersecurity defenses. (黑客成功突破了公司的网络安全防线。)
- She sued her former employer for breach of trust. (她以违反信任为由起诉了她的前雇主。)
- The breach of confidentiality led to a loss of client trust. (机密泄露导致客户的信任丧失。)
- The ship was damaged and developed a breach in the hull. (船只受损,在船体上出现了一个破口。)
- The team breached the enemy's defenses and captured the stronghold. (队伍突破了敌人的防线,夺取了据点。)
- The government is considering stronger penalties for data breaches. (政府正在考虑对数据泄露采取更严厉的处罚措施。)
- He was found guilty of breaching his parole conditions. (他被认定违反假释条件。)
- They managed to breach the firewall and gain access to sensitive information. (他们成功突破防火墙,获取了敏感信息的访问权限。)
- The breach of the dam led to severe flooding in the surrounding area. (水坝的破裂导致周围地区严重洪水。)
- The company took immediate action to fix the security breach. (公司立即采取行动修复安全漏洞。)
- The breach of contract resulted in a legal dispute between the two parties. (违约导致两方之间的法律纠纷。)
- They were sued for breach of copyright. (他们因侵犯版权而被起诉。)
- The spy breached the enemy's intelligence network. (间谍侵入了敌方的情报网络。)
- The breach of etiquette offended the host. (违反礼仪令主人感到不悦。)
- She felt a breach of trust when her best friend betrayed her secret. (当她最好的朋友泄露了她的秘密时,她感到了一种信任的背叛。)
- The cybersecurity team identified and patched the breach in the system. (网络安全团队发现并修补了系统中的漏洞。)
- The breach in the wall allowed the enemy to enter the fortress. (墙上的缺口使敌人得以进入堡垒。)
- The company's reputation suffered a significant breach due to the scandal. (由于丑闻,公司的声誉遭受了重大损害。)