tightening [ˈtaɪtənɪŋ]
1. 收紧;紧缩
2. 紧缩(措施);紧缩政策
3. 加强(管制);加强(法规)
4. (痛苦、问题等)加重,增强
5. 紧缩(货币政策)
tightening [ˈtaɪtənɪŋ]
1. 收紧的;紧缩的
2. 严密的;牢固的
3. (人)紧张的;(局势)紧张的
4. 笨拙的;艰难的
5. (痛苦等)剧烈的;(问题等)棘手的
1. tighten:主要指使变得更紧或更牢固,用于动词。
2. constrict:指使收缩或变得更紧,尤其指使血管收缩。
3. squeeze:指用力挤压使变紧,也可引申为逼迫或压制。
4. compress:指用外力压缩使变小或变紧。
5. shrink:指收缩或缩小,尤指体积或规模的减小。
6. contract:指收缩或缩小,尤指由于收缩而变小。
tighten up:收紧;变得严格
tightening control:加强管制
tightening regulations:加强法规
tightening measures:紧缩措施
tightening of monetary policy:紧缩货币政策
tightening of muscles:肌肉收缩
1. constrict:压缩;束缚
2. compress:压缩;压紧
3. squeeze:挤压;压榨
4. contract:收缩;合同
5. shrink:收缩;缩小
1. loosen:放松;解开
2. relax:放松;轻松
3. slacken:放松;松弛
4. loosen up:松弛;放松
5. ease:缓解;舒缓
tightening (noun)
1. the act of making something tighter or more firmly fastened
2. the act of making a rule, law, or system more strict
3. the act of making something more difficult to do or achieve
tightening (adjective)
1. becoming tighter or more firmly fastened
2. becoming more difficult to do or achieve
来源:柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
tightening (noun)
1. the process of making something tight or tighter
2. an act of making a law, rule, or system more strict
tightening (adjective)
1. becoming tight or tighter
2. making a rule, law, or system more strict
来源:牛津英语词典(Oxford English Dictionary)
1. Tightening可以用作名词或形容词。
2. 作为名词,指收紧、紧缩、加强或加重的行为或过程。
3. 作为形容词,指变得更紧、更牢固,或变得更困难、紧张、棘手等。
4. 可以与其他名词或动词搭配使用,如tightening control(加强管制)、tightening regulations(加强法规)等。
5. 近义词包括constrict、compress、squeeze、contract、shrink等,反义词包括loosen、relax、slacken、loosen up、ease等。
- The tightening of the screws made the table more stable.(紧固螺丝使桌子更稳固)
- They implemented a tightening policy to control inflation.(他们实施了紧缩政策以控制通货膨胀)
- The tightening of regulations has made it more difficult for businesses to operate.(法规的加强使企业经营更加困难)
- He felt the tightening of his muscles as he lifted the heavy weight.(他感到举重时肌肉的收缩)
- The tightening labor market has led to increased competition for jobs.(就业市场的紧张导致了就业竞争的加剧)
- The government announced a tightening of security measures at airports.(政府宣布加强机场安全措施)
- The surgeon performed a tightening procedure to correct the patient's loose skin.(外科医生进行了紧缩手术以纠正患者松弛的皮肤)
- The company implemented a tightening of spending policies to reduce costs.(公司实施了紧缩开支政策以降低成本)
- She felt a tightening in her chest as she climbed the steep hill.(她在爬陡峭的山坡时感到胸口发紧)
- As the economy worsened, there was a tightening of credit availability.(随着经济恶化,信贷紧缩)
- The tightening of screws is necessary to ensure the stability of the structure.(紧固螺丝是确保结构稳定所必需的)
- The tightening of regulations aims to prevent fraud in the financial industry.(加强法规旨在防止金融行业的欺诈行为)
- The government announced a tightening of border controls to improve national security.(政府宣布加强边境管控以提高国家安全)
- He could feel the tightening of her grip as she held his hand.(他感觉到她握着他的手越来越紧)
- She experienced a tightening in her chest whenever she felt anxious.(她每当感到焦虑时,胸口就会感到一阵紧缩)
- The tightening job market has made it harder for recent graduates to find employment.(就业市场的紧张使得应届毕业生更难找到工作)
- The tightening of monetary policy is aimed at reducing inflation.(货币政策的紧缩旨在降低通货膨胀)
- She used a wrench to tighten the bolts and prevent them from loosening.(她用扳手拧紧螺栓,防止它们松动)
- The tightening of regulations has had a significant impact on the industry.(法规的加强对该行业产生了重大影响)
- He felt a tightening in his chest as he prepared to deliver his presentation.(他准备做演讲时,感觉到胸口紧缩)