budgeting (形容词):预算的,编预算的。 例句: 1. I am responsible for budgeting decisions in our department. (我负责我们部门的预算决策。) 2. We need to develop a budgeting strategy for the upcoming year. (我们需要为即将到来的一年制定一项预算策略。)名词
budgeting (名词):预算,编制预算。 例句: 1. Effective budgeting is essential for financial planning. (有效的预算对于财务规划至关重要。) 2. The company is currently reviewing its budgeting process. (公司目前正在审查其预算流程。)词语辨析
budgeting和planning的区别在于,budgeting更强调财务方面的预算编制,而planning则更广泛地包括了各种方面的计划制定。 例句: 1. The financial team is responsible for budgeting and planning for the upcoming year. (财务团队负责为即将到来的一年进行预算和规划。) 2. The project manager is in charge of planning the project timeline. (项目经理负责规划项目的时间表。)词汇扩充
其他与budgeting相关的词汇: 1. budget (名词):预算 2. financial planning (名词):财务规划 3. expenditure (名词):支出 4. revenue (名词):收入 5. cost (名词):成本 6. allocate (动词):分配 7. financial management (名词):财务管理 8. fiscal (形容词):财政的 9. forecast (动词):预测 10. savings (名词):储蓄近义词
1. financial planning (财务规划) 2. financial management (财务管理) 3. fiscal planning (财政规划) 4. resource allocation (资源分配) 5. cost control (成本控制)反义词
1. overspending (超支) 2. deficit (赤字) 3. unplanned expenses (非计划支出) 4. financial mismanagement (财务管理失误)柯林斯词典
budgeting (名词):The process of deciding how to spend money, taking into account how much money is available and what it needs to be spent on.牛津词典
budgeting (名词):The process of planning how to spend your money, especially by dividing it between things you need to spend money on now and things you will need to spend money on in the future.用法
budgeting作为名词和形容词使用。 例句: 1. Effective budgeting is crucial for financial stability. (有效的预算对于财务稳定至关重要。) 2. She is budgeting her monthly income to cover all her expenses. (她正在计划她的月收入,以支付所有开销。)相关例句
- Our company is implementing a new budgeting system to improve financial control. (我们公司正在实施一套新的预算系统,以改善财务控制。)
- It is important to consider all factors when budgeting for a project. (在为项目编制预算时,考虑所有因素很重要。)
- The budgeting process involves analyzing past expenses and projecting future costs. (预算过程包括分析过去的开支和预测未来的成本。)
- We need to prioritize our spending and make sure it aligns with our budgeting goals. (我们需要优先考虑我们的开支,并确保它与我们的预算目标一致。)
- Proper budgeting can help individuals and businesses achieve financial stability. (适当的预算可以帮助个人和企业实现财务稳定。)
- She is known for her excellent budgeting skills and ability to save money. (她以出色的预算技巧和节省金钱的能力而闻名。)
- Our budgeting strategy focuses on cost reduction and maximizing revenue. (我们的预算策略侧重于成本削减和收入最大化。)
- He is responsible for budgeting and allocating funds for various departments. (他负责为各个部门编制预算和分配资金。)
- With careful budgeting, we were able to afford our dream vacation. (通过仔细的预算,我们能够支付我们梦寐以求的假期。)
- The company is facing financial challenges due to poor budgeting decisions. (由于预算决策不当,公司面临财务挑战。)
- They are currently reviewing their budgeting process to identify areas of improvement. (他们目前正在审查他们的预算流程,以确定改进的领域。)
- Budgeting for unexpected expenses is important to avoid financial difficulties. (为意外开支进行预算是避免财务困难的重要措施。)
- Effective budgeting requires accurate financial data and careful analysis. (有效的预算需要准确的财务数据和仔细的分析。)
- The government is implementing stricter budgeting measures to reduce the national deficit. (政府正在实施更严格的预算措施,以减少国家赤字。)
- They are using budgeting software to streamline their financial planning process. (他们正在使用预算软件来简化他们的财务规划流程。)
- She is attending a budgeting workshop to learn how to better manage her personal finances. (她正在参加一个预算研讨会,以学习如何更好地管理个人财务。)
- Effective budgeting involves setting realistic financial goals and tracking progress. (有效的预算包括设定切实可行的财务目标并跟踪进展。)
- They are considering various budgeting strategies to optimize their financial resources. (他们正在考虑各种预算策略,以优化他们的财务资源。)
- He is consulting with a financial advisor to improve his budgeting skills. (他正在咨询一位财务顾问,以提高他的预算技巧。)
- The company's budgeting department is responsible for monitoring expenses and ensuring compliance with the budget. (公司的预算部门负责监控开支,确保符合预算。)