1. 命运多变的;多事之秋的
1. 财富;命运
2. 好运;命运
3. 前途;成功
4. 钱财;财富
5. 机会;命运
6. 命运的变迁
fortune, luck, fate, destiny
1. make a fortune: 发财
2. inherit a fortune: 继承财产
3. fortune hunter: 寻找富人为伴的人
4. good fortune: 好运
5. ill fortune: 坏运气
6. blind fortune: 盲目的命运
7. turn of fortune: 命运的转折
wealth, prosperity, abundance, affluence
misfortune, poverty, destitution, hardship
1. Fortunes是fortune的复数形式。
2. 如果你说某人的fortunes上升,你是指他的状况变好了。如果你说某人的fortunes下降,你是指他的状况变差了。
1. Fortunes是fortune的复数形式。
2. 如果你说某人的fortunes上升,你是指他的状况变好了。如果你说某人的fortunes下降,你是指他的状况变差了。
1. They made a fortune from their successful business. (他们从他们成功的生意中发了大财)
2. Despite his initial setbacks, his fortunes eventually turned around. (尽管一开始遭遇挫折,他的命运最终扭转了)
3. She inherited a fortune from her late husband. (她继承了她已故丈夫的财产)
4. The country's economic fortunes have been declining in recent years. (该国的经济状况近年来一直在下降)
- His fortunes changed dramatically after winning the lottery. (他中了彩票后,命运发生了戏剧性的变化)
- She has had her fair share of both good and bad fortunes. (她好坏之事都经历过)
- Despite his family's wealth, he never inherited a fortune. (尽管他家有钱,他没有继承财产)
- They lost their fortunes in the stock market crash. (他们在股市崩盘中损失了财产)
- He made a fortune in the real estate business. (他在房地产业赚了一大笔钱)
- She is a fortune hunter always seeking wealthy partners. (她是个寻找富有伴侣的寻富猎人)
- They were fortunate enough to find a hidden treasure. (他们很幸运地发现了一座隐藏的宝藏)
- She had the misfortune of losing her job just before the recession hit. (她不幸地在经济衰退前失去了工作)
- His fortunes took a turn for the worse when he got involved in a scandal. (当他卷入丑闻时,他的命运开始转向更糟)
- Despite his initial setbacks, his fortunes eventually turned around. (尽管一开始遭遇挫折,他的命运最终扭转了)
- They are hoping for a change in their fortunes with the new business venture. (他们希望通过新的商业冒险改变命运)
- She invested wisely and her fortunes grew steadily. (她明智地投资,她的财富稳步增长)
- Their good fortunes came to an end when the company went bankrupt. (当公司破产时,他们的好运也告一段落)
- He was born into a life of wealth and fortune. (他生活在富裕和幸运之中)
- They lost everything and were reduced to a state of utter destitution. (他们失去了一切,陷入了彻底贫困的境地)
- She worked hard to escape the hardships of poverty. (她努力工作,摆脱贫困的困境)
- They enjoyed a life of prosperity and abundance. (他们享受着富饶和丰裕的生活)
- The country's economic fortunes have been declining in recent years. (该国的经济状况近年来一直在下降)
- They attribute their success to a combination of hard work and good fortune. (他们将成功归功于努力工作和好运的结合)
- He took a risk and his fortunes paid off with a big profit. (他冒险一试,他的命运得到了回报,获得了巨额利润)
- She had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. (她不幸地在错误的时间和地点出现了)