1. pitched [adj.] (音高) 高度的;(音调) 尖锐的
2. pitched [adj.] (战斗) 激烈的;(辩论) 坚决的
3. pitched [adj.] (房屋或建筑物) 有坡度的
1. pitch [n.] (音高) 音高;(音调) 音调
2. pitch [n.] (运动) 投掷;(销售) 推销
3. pitch [n.] (房屋或建筑物) 坡度
1. pitch vs pitch up: "pitch" 是动词,意为 "搭帐篷",而 "pitch up" 是短语动词,意为 "到达"。
1. pitched battle: 激战
2. high-pitched: 高音的
3. low-pitched: 低音的
4. pitch-black: 漆黑的
1. high-pitched: shrill, piercing
2. pitched battle: fierce battle, intense fight
1. high-pitched vs low-pitched
2. pitched battle vs peaceful negotiation
pitched (adj.)
1. If a battle, argument, or campaign is pitched, it is fought or done with a lot of energy and determination. (战斗、争论、运动) 激烈的
2. A pitched object, sound, or voice is high and usually annoying or shrill. (物体、声音、声音) 尖锐的
3. A pitched roof or other sloping surface slopes at a particular angle. (屋顶、表面) 倾斜的
pitched (adj.)
1. (of a roof or elevation) having a steep slope. (房顶或高度) 有陡坡的
2. (of a battle or other contest) fought with great effort or violence. (战斗或其他比赛) 激烈的
3. (of a sound or note) high or shrill. (声音或音符) 高的或尖锐的
4. (chiefly British) (of a drink) served or consumed cold. (饮料) 冰冷的
1. The pitched battle lasted for days.
2. She spoke in a high-pitched voice.
3. The pitched roof allowed the rain to easily run off.
4. The sales team pitched the new product to potential customers.
- The pitched battle between the two armies lasted for days. (两军之间的激战持续了几天。)
- She has a high-pitched voice that can be quite annoying. (她的声音尖锐刺耳,有点让人讨厌。)
- The house has a pitched roof that adds to its charm. (这座房子有一个坡屋顶,增添了它的魅力。)
- The team pitched their new product to potential investors. (团队向潜在投资者推销他们的新产品。)
- The pitched battle resulted in heavy casualties. (激战导致重大伤亡。)
- He spoke in a low-pitched voice, barely audible. (他以低沉的声音说话,几乎听不见。)
- The pitched roof of the barn allowed rainwater to run off easily. (谷仓的坡屋顶可以让雨水顺畅地流走。)
- The sales team pitched their idea to the board of directors. (销售团队向董事会推销他们的想法。)
- The high-pitched sound of the whistle startled everyone. (哨子的尖锐声震惊了每个人。)
- The pitched battle ended in victory for the defending army. (激战以守军的胜利告终。)
- The singer's voice reached a high-pitched crescendo. (歌手的声音达到了一个高音高潮。)
- The pitched roof of the house allowed for extra storage space. (房屋的坡屋顶提供了额外的储存空间。)
- The team pitched their innovative product to potential investors. (团队向潜在投资者推销他们创新的产品。)
- The pitched battle was a decisive moment in the war. (激战是战争中的决定性时刻。)
- She spoke in a high-pitched voice that could be heard across the room. (她以尖锐的声音说话,可以在整个房间里听到。)
- The pitched roof of the cabin allowed snow to slide off easily. (小屋的坡屋顶可以轻松让雪滑下。)
- The sales team pitched their new product to potential customers. (销售团队向潜在客户推销他们的新产品。)
- The high-pitched sound of the alarm woke everyone up. (警报的尖锐声把每个人都吵醒了。)
- The pitched battle resulted in the capture of the enemy's stronghold. (激战导致了敌人据点的被占领。)
- She sang a high-pitched note that impressed the audience. (她唱了一个高音音符,给观众留下了深刻的印象。)