形容词: 1. 避免的,回避的(指人或行为)。 2. 避免的,回避的(指事物或情况)。 名词: 1. 避免,回避。词语辨析:
- avoid:指有目的地避开某物或某人,以避免接触或产生不良后果。 - evade:指故意回避或逃避某事、某人或某个问题。 - shun:指有意回避、远离某人或某事,通常因为它们不受欢迎或令人讨厌。词汇扩充:
- avoidable:可避免的 - unavoidable:不可避免的 - avoidance:避免,回避 - avoider:回避者,避免者近义词:
dodge, elude, escape, evade, shun反义词:
face, confront, meet, encounter柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
形容词: 1. If you say that something is avoiding, you mean that it is intended to prevent people from experiencing that thing or doing it. 2. If you describe someone's behavior as avoiding, you mean that they are trying not to show particular emotions or not to talk about particular subjects. 3. If you describe a person or their behavior as avoiding, you mean that they keep away from other people or places. 4. If you describe something as avoiding a particular thing, you mean that it does not have that thing, often when it could or should have had it. 名词: 1. Avoidance is the act of avoiding something. 2. Avoidance is the act of deliberately not doing or becoming involved in something, especially something that other people are doing or becoming involved in. 3. Avoidance is the act of deliberately not meeting someone or not going to a place.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
形容词: 1. Designed to help prevent or reduce the occurrence of something undesirable. 2. Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. 名词: 1. The action of keeping away from or not doing something. 2. The action of minimizing loss of life or damage caused by an accident or disaster.用法
- avoid + 名词:避免某事物 - avoid + 动词:避免做某事 - avoid + doing + 动词:避免做某事相关例句
- I am avoiding processed foods in order to maintain a healthy diet.(为了保持健康饮食,我避免食用加工食品。)
- He has a way of avoiding answering difficult questions.(他有一种回避回答困难问题的方式。)
- The child has been avoiding his classmates lately.(这个孩子最近一直在回避他的同学。)
- The company is avoiding any association with the controversial issue.(该公司正在回避与这个有争议的问题有任何关联。)
- His avoidance of responsibility is causing problems.(他对责任的回避正在引发问题。)
- She practices avoidance by ignoring difficult situations.(她通过忽视困难的情况来实施回避。)
- His avoidance of social events is well-known.(他回避社交活动的行为是众所周知的。)
- They are implementing strategies to avoid future mistakes.(他们正在实施策略以避免未来的错误。)
- She always tries to avoid having confrontations with her colleagues.(她总是尽力避免与同事发生冲突。)
- He managed to avoid being caught in the rain by taking shelter.(他设法躲避雨水,躲到了避雨处。)
- I want to avoid making the same mistake again.(我希望避免再犯同样的错误。)
- She avoided going to the party because she didn't know anyone there.(她没有参加派对,因为她在那里不认识任何人。)
- The teacher noticed the student's avoidance of eye contact during the presentation.(老师注意到学生在演讲过程中避免眼神接触。)
- He is skilled at avoiding difficult questions by changing the topic.(他善于通过改变话题来回避困难的问题。)
- The avoidable accident could have been prevented with proper caution.(这起本可以避免的事故本可以通过适当的警惕来防止。)
- She had an unavoidable conflict and couldn't attend the meeting.(她有一场无法避免的冲突,无法参加会议。)
- The company's avoidance of taxes raised concerns among the public.(该公司回避税收引起了公众的关注。)
- His avoidance of social gatherings is due to his shyness.(他回避社交聚会是因为他的害羞。)
- They have developed an effective avoidance strategy to minimize losses.(他们已经制定了一种有效的避免策略来尽量减少损失。)
- She avoids eating fast food to maintain a healthy lifestyle.(她避免食用快餐以保持健康的生活方式。)
- He always avoids taking responsibility for his actions.(他总是回避对自己的行为负责。)
- The company's avoidance of the issue only added to the public's distrust.(公司对该问题的回避只增加了公众的不信任。)