- He was perturbed by the news of his father's illness. (他因得知父亲生病的消息感到不安。)
- The perturbed student couldn't focus on her studies after the argument. (争吵后,那位心烦意乱的学生无法专注于学习。)
- I was perturbed to find that my car had been broken into. (发现我的车被撬开,我感到不安。)
- The perturbation of the planet's orbit is caused by the gravitational pull of nearby celestial bodies. (行星轨道的扰动是由附近天体的引力引起的。)
- She tried to hide her perturbed emotions behind a smile. (她试图在微笑背后隐藏自己心乱的情绪。)
- He is deeply perturbed by the current state of the economy. (他对当前的经济状况感到深深的不安。)
- The perturbed sea reflected the storm brewing above. (波涛汹涌的海洋映照出了上方正在酝酿的风暴。)
- Her perturbed mind prevented her from making rational decisions. (她心神不宁,无法做出理性的决定。)
- He felt perturbed about the upcoming exam and couldn't sleep well. (他对即将到来的考试感到不安,无法睡好觉。)
- The perturbed state of the stock market caused many investors to panic. (股市的动荡状态导致许多投资者恐慌。)
- She looked perturbed as she read the letter. (她读信时显得不安。)
- The perturbed flight schedule caused a lot of inconvenience for passengers. (航班的混乱时间表给乘客带来了很多不便。)
- The perturbation in the magnetic field was measured by the scientists. (科学家们测量了磁场的扰动。)
- He tried to maintain a calm demeanor, despite feeling perturbed inside. (尽管内心不安,他试图保持平静的态度。)
- She had a perturbed expression on her face when she received the bad news. (收到坏消息时,她脸上露出不安的表情。)
- I could sense the perturbation in her voice as she spoke about her difficult decision. (当她谈到她艰难的决定时,我能感到她声音中的焦虑。)
- His perturbed mind couldn't find peace even in the calmest of surroundings. (即使在最平静的环境中,他心乱如麻,无法找到宁静。)
- The perturbed weather patterns led to unexpected storms in the region. (气象异常的模式导致该地区出现了意想不到的暴风雨。)
- She was perturbed by the sudden change in her friend's behavior. (她对朋友行为的突然变化感到不安。)
- His perturbed state of mind affected his ability to concentrate on his work. (内心不安的状态影响了他专注于工作的能力。)