1. 时髦的,潇洒的;优雅的;漂亮的;讲究的。例:He always dresses in dandy clothes.(他总是穿着时髦的衣服。)
2. 了不起的,绝妙的。例:We had a dandy time at the party.(我们在聚会上玩得很开心。)
1. 时髦男子;花花公子。例:He is a young dandy who spends his time socializing.(他是一个花花公子,整天泡在社交场合。)
2. 优雅的人;讲究打扮的人。例:She always attracts attention with her stylish clothing.(她总是因为自己时尚的服装而引起注意。)
1. dapper:整洁而漂亮的,尤指衣着整齐的男人。
2. gallant:英俊潇洒的,尤指对女性献殷勤的男子。
3. stylish:时尚的,讲究流行的。
gallant, fop, beau, fashionable, stylish
slovenly, shabby, unkempt
dandy (adjective)
If you describe something or someone as dandy, you mean you think it is very good or impressive.
dandy (noun)
A dandy is a man who thinks a great deal about his appearance and always dresses in smart clothes.
dandy (adjective)
Used to describe something that you think is very good or impressive.
dandy (noun)
A man who is very concerned about his clothes and appearance.
The word "dandy" can be used as both an adjective and a noun.
- She thought the new car was absolutely dandy.
- He always wears dandy suits to work.
- He prides himself on being a dandy.
- The party was full of dandies.
1. He always dresses in dandy clothes. 他总是穿着时髦的衣服。
2. The party was full of dandies. 这个派对上到处都是时髦男子。
3. She thought the new car was absolutely dandy. 她觉得这辆新车绝对棒极了。
4. He prides himself on being a dandy. 他为自己是一个时髦男子而感到自豪。
5. We had a dandy time at the party. 我们在聚会上玩得很开心。
6. The dapper gentleman caught everyone's attention. 那位整洁漂亮的绅士吸引了所有人的注意。
7. He is a young fop who spends his time socializing. 他是一个年轻的花花公子,整天泡在社交场合。
8. She always attracts attention with her stylish clothing. 她总是因为自己时尚的服装而引起注意。
9. The gallant gentleman held the door for her. 这位英俊潇洒的绅士为她开门。
10. His fashionable attire made him stand out in the crowd. 他时尚的着装使他在人群中脱颖而出。
11. The unkempt man stood out among the dandies at the party. 这位邋遢的男子在派对上与众不同。
12. His shabby appearance contrasted sharply with the dapper crowd. 他邋遢的外表与整洁的人群形成鲜明对比。
13. The stylish woman received compliments on her fashionable outfit. 这位时尚女性因她时髦的装扮而受到称赞。
14. The dandy couple was the center of attention at the event. 这对时尚夫妇成为了活动的焦点。
15. The party was a dandy affair with lavish decorations and gourmet food. 这个派对是一个奢华的场合,有着华丽的装饰和美食。
16. His dandy appearance attracted many admirers. 他的时髦外表吸引了许多欣赏者。
17. The dandy gentleman walked elegantly into the room. 这位时髦的绅士优雅地走进了房间。
18. She always carries herself with the air of a dandy. 她总是带着时髦人士的姿态。
19. The fashion show featured the latest dandy trends. 这场时装秀展示了最新的时髦潮流。
20. He spends hours perfecting his dandy hairstyle. 他花了几个小时打理他时髦的发型。