1. 弱的;不强的 2. (能力、力量等)较弱的 3. (身体)虚弱的;体弱的 4. (光、声音等)弱的;微弱的 5. (钢铁等)质量低劣的;脆弱的 6. (酒)度数低的;淡的名词
1. 虚弱者;体弱者 2. 较弱者;劣势方词语辨析
feeble, frail, delicate反义词
stronger, powerful柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
形容词 1. If someone is weak, they do not have very much power or strength.例句:He was old and weak. 他年纪大了,身体虚弱。 2. If something such as an argument, organization, or position is weak, it is not strong or effective.
例句:The case against him was weak. 对他的指控不成立。 3. If a country's currency or economy is weak, its value is low or it is not very successful.
例句:The weak dollar is hurting American exporters. 美元贬值正在伤害美国的出口商。 4. If a drink is weak, it does not contain much alcohol.
例句:She ordered a weak coffee. 她点了一杯淡咖啡。
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
形容词 1. Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.例句:He has been weak since his illness. 他病后一直身体虚弱。 2. Lacking the power to influence or control people, events, or things; lacking authority or effectiveness.
例句:The government is too weak to impose order. 政府无力维护秩序。 3. Lacking the power to convince or persuade; not cogent or forceful.
例句:His arguments were weak and unconvincing. 他的论点站不住脚,不具有说服力。 4. Lacking the attributes or qualities necessary for a task or activity.
例句:He was too weak to climb the stairs. 他体弱无法爬楼梯。
1. "weaker"是形容词"weak"的比较级形式,用于比较两者之间的强弱程度。例句:She is weaker than her sister. 她比她姐姐弱。 2. "weaker"也可用作名词,表示虚弱者或较弱者。
例句:The weaker should be protected. 应该保护弱势群体。
1. The patient's condition is getting weaker day by day. 病人的状况日益虚弱。 2. The team's defense was weaker than expected. 这支队伍的防守比预期要弱。 3. She felt weak after the long hike. 长时间的徒步旅行让她感到疲惫。 4. The weak light of the candle barely illuminated the room. 蜡烛微弱的光线勉强照亮了房间。 5. The bridge collapsed due to the weaker steel used in its construction. 桥梁因为采用了质量较差的钢铁而倒塌。 6. He prefers weaker alcoholic drinks like beer or wine. 他喜欢淡一些的酒类饮品,比如啤酒或葡萄酒。 7. The weaker in society often face discrimination and unequal treatment. 社会中的弱势群体常常面临歧视和不公平对待。 8. The team's weak performance led to their defeat. 队伍表现不佳导致他们的失败。 9. Her weak argument failed to convince anyone. 她站不住脚的论点无法说服任何人。 10. The weakened economy resulted in job losses. 经济疲软导致了失业。 词汇扩展:11. The illness weakened his immune system. 疾病削弱了他的免疫系统。 12. The weakness of the defense allowed the opposing team to score easily. 防守的薄弱使得对方队轻松得分。 13. Despite her physical weakness, she remained mentally strong. 尽管身体虚弱,她仍然保持着坚强的思想。 14. The company's weak financial position led to its bankruptcy. 公司薄弱的财务状况导致了破产。 15. The weak signal made it difficult to hear the radio broadcast. 信号不好,听广播很困难。 16. The weak link in the chain caused it to break. 链条中的薄弱环节导致了断裂。 17. The weak currency made imports more expensive. 货币贬值使得进口商品更加昂贵。 18. He is too weak to stand up for himself. 他太软弱,无法为自己辩护。 19. The weak tea tasted bland. 这杯淡茶没什么味道。 20. The weaker team put up a good fight, but ultimately lost the match. 较弱的队伍奋力拼搏,但最终输掉了比赛。