形容词: 1. 释放的,放松的(having been set free or made available) 2. 可供使用的,可使用的(available for use) 3. 发行的,发布的(made available to the public) 名词: 1. 释放,放松(the act of setting free or making available) 2. 发行,发布(the act of making something available to the public)词语辨析
- release与liberate的区别:release更多指释放或放松某物或某人,而liberate更多指解放或解救某人或某群体。词汇扩充
- release的动词形式:释放(release),发行(release),发布(release),解雇(release),放松(release),泄漏(release)近义词
- set free, let go, free, liberate反义词
- hold, keep, restrain, imprison柯林斯词典解释
release (noun) 1. When a film or record is released, it becomes available for people to buy or see. 2. A release is a new record, film, or other product that is available for people to buy or see. 3. A release is a statement or announcement that is sent to the press or is given to the public. 4. If someone is given their release, they are allowed to leave prison, hospital, or the army before they have finished their time there. 5. If you have a release from something that is worrying or boring, you are temporarily free from it. 6. If you give someone a release, you allow them to forget their problems or worries, usually by making them feel more cheerful or energetic. release (verb) 1. If a person or animal is released from somewhere where they have been locked up or looked after, they are set free or allowed to go. 2. If a person or organization releases something, they give it to the public or make it available to the public. 3. If a government or organization releases information, a report, or a piece of news, they make it known to the public. 4. If you release something that you have been holding or pressing, you stop holding or pressing it. 5. If you release a feeling or an emotion, you express it, especially in a sudden or noisy way. 6. If you release a document or piece of information, you allow it to be published or made known. 7. If you release a film, record, or computer software, you make it available for people to see or buy.牛津词典解释
release (noun) 1. An act of releasing someone or something. 2. The action or process of making a film, record, or other product available to the public. 3. The action of making a statement or announcement to the press or public. 4. A document or form that enables a person or people to be officially freed from legal, social, or political restrictions. 5. A discharge of liquid or gas from a container or confined space. 6. A feeling of liberation or relief. release (verb) 1. Allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free. 2. Allow (information, a document, etc.) to be generally available. 3. Allow (a feeling or emotion) to be expressed or made manifest. 4. Allow oneself to experience or express (a feeling or emotion). 5. Allow (a substance) to flow or come out from where it has been confined or stored. 6. Make (a film, record, or other product) available to the public.用法
- The new movie will be released next month. - The company released a statement denying the rumors. - He was released from prison after serving his sentence. - I need a release from all this stress.相关的例句
- The company plans to release a new product next year.(该公司计划明年发布新产品。)
- The film was released in over 1,000 theaters worldwide.(该电影在全球超过1,000家影院上映。)
- They released the news to the press yesterday.(他们昨天向媒体发布了这个消息。)
- The government released a report on the state of the economy.(政府发布了一份关于经济状况的报告。)
- He was released on parole after serving two years in prison.(他在服刑两年后获得假释。)
- She released a sigh of relief when she heard the good news.(听到好消息时,她松了一口气。)
- He released his anger by screaming into a pillow.(他通过对着枕头尖叫来释放他的愤怒。)
- The company released a statement clarifying the situation.(该公司发布了一份声明澄清情况。)
- The dam released a large amount of water into the river.(大坝向河流释放了大量的水。)
- They released the album on vinyl and digital formats.(他们以黑胶唱片和数字格式发行了这张专辑。)
- The yoga class provides a release from everyday stress.(瑜伽课程为日常压力提供了一种释放。)
- She found release in painting and music.(她通过绘画和音乐找到了释放。)
- Please sign this release form before participating in the event.(参加活动前请签署这份解除责任的表格。)
- He was granted an early release from his contract.(他获得了合同的提前解除。)
- The release of the new smartphone created a lot of buzz.(新智能手机的发布引起了很多关注。)
- She released the tension in her muscles with a deep breath.(她深吸一口气,放松了她的肌肉紧张。)
- He released the ball with a powerful throw.(他用有力的投掷将球释放。)
- He released a statement apologizing for his behavior.(他发布了一份声明,为自己的行为道歉。)
- The artist released a limited edition print of her famous painting.(这位艺术家发行了她著名画作的限量版印刷品。)
- They released the documentary on DVD last week.(他们上周将这部纪录片发行为DVD。)
- The release of the new book was met with great anticipation.(新书的发布引起了极大的期待。)