1. home /həʊm/
1. home /həʊm/
“home”可以与其他词组合形成一系列短语和习语,如“home sweet home”(甜蜜的家)。
residence, dwelling, abode
away, abroad
home (noun)
home (adjective)
home (noun)
home (adjective)
1. I'm going home after work. (我下班后回家。)
2. This is our home now. (这是我们现在的家。)
3. The hotel became a home for the refugees. (这家旅馆成了难民的收容所。)
4. The team is playing at home today. (今天该队在主场比赛。)
5. She has a great sense of home. (她对家庭有着很强的归属感。)
1. I'm finally home after a long day at work. (我终于下班回到家了。)
2. This house is our home. (这所房子是我们的家。)
3. I miss my home in the countryside. (我想念我在乡下的家。)
4. The retirement home provides care for the elderly. (养老院为老人提供照料。)
5. The airplane is heading towards its home airport. (飞机正朝着自己的起飞机场飞去。)
6. The beach is my home away from home. (这个海滩是我离家后的第二故乡。)
7. There's no place like home. (没有地方比得上家。)
8. She always makes me feel at home when I visit. (当我去拜访时,她总是让我感到宾至如归。)
9. The cat found its way home after being lost for a week. (这只猫在迷路一周后找到了回家的路。)
10. The home team won the match. (主队赢得了比赛。)
11. It's important to create a homely atmosphere in your living space. (在居住空间中营造温馨的氛围很重要。)
12. She decorated her new apartment to make it feel more like home. (她装饰了她的新公寓,使它更像个家。)
13. The homeland is where one's roots lie. (故乡是一个人的根所在的地方。)
14. The company's products have become household names. (该公司的产品已经家喻户晓。)
15. The residence provides a safe and comfortable home for the refugees. (这个住所为难民提供了一个安全舒适的家。)
16. The couple decided to buy a dwelling in the countryside. (这对夫妇决定在乡下购买一处住所。)
17. He left his abode early in the morning. (他一大早就离开了他的住所。)
18. The team scored a goal in the home stadium. (这个队在主场进了一球。)
19. The football game was played in the home ground. (这场足球比赛在本队的主场进行。)
20. She enjoys spending time with her family at home. (她喜欢和家人在家里度过时间。)