1. 跳跃的;跳动的
2. 突然的;仓促的
1. 跳跃;跃起
2. 跳跃动作;跳跃方式
3. (在价格、数量等方面的)跳跃
4. (纸牌游戏中的)跳过
1. 跳跃(jump)和跳(leap)均表示通过用力使身体迅速离开地面或物体。但跳跃着重指一连串有规律的、有力的跳动,而跳则指单次的、较高的跳跃。
2. 跳(jump)和跃(spring)都可表示迅速移动到某个位置或地方。但跳通常指从一处到另一处的迅猛移动,而跃则侧重指以力量或冲力向前或向上移动。
1. jump up: 突然跳起来
2. jump down: 猛地跳下
3. jump over: 跳过
4. jump off: 跳下
5. jump on: 跳上
1. bounce
2. hop
3. leap
4. spring
5. bound
1. crouch
2. kneel
3. sit
1. jump (verb): If you jump, you move suddenly and quickly upwards, forwards, or sideways through the air, usually because you are frightened or surprised.
2. jump (noun): A jump is a sudden movement upwards, forwards, or sideways through the air.
1. jump (verb): Push oneself off a surface and into the air by using the muscles in one's legs and feet.
2. jump (noun): An act of jumping from a surface by pushing upwards with one's legs and feet.
1. She jumped over the puddle.
2. The cat jumped onto the table.
3. The child jumped up and down with excitement.
4. He suddenly jumped when he heard the loud noise.
5. The price of the product jumped by 20% overnight.
6. The athlete made a high jump of 2 meters.
7. The horse refused to jump over the fence.
8. The company's profits jumped significantly this year.
- She jumped over the puddle. 她跳过水坑。
- The cat jumped onto the table. 猫跳上桌子。
- The child jumped up and down with excitement. 孩子兴奋地跳了起来。
- He suddenly jumped when he heard the loud noise. 他听到巨响时突然跳起来。
- The price of the product jumped by 20% overnight. 该产品的价格一夜之间上涨了20%。
- The athlete made a high jump of 2 meters. 运动员跳了2米的高度。
- The horse refused to jump over the fence. 马拒绝跳过栅栏。
- The company's profits jumped significantly this year. 公司的利润今年大幅增长。
- He gave a little jump of surprise. 他吓了一跳。
- She took a running jump and cleared the brook. 她蓄势跳跃,成功越过小溪。
- The squirrel made a sudden jump from one tree to another. 松鼠突然从一棵树跳到了另一棵树上。
- I felt a jump in my heart when I saw her. 看到她时,我的心跳了一下。
- The stock market took a sharp jump. 股市出现了急剧上涨。
- His heart gave a sudden jump of excitement. 他激动得心跳得厉害。
- The horse made a high jump. 马跳得很高。
- The price has taken a jump. 价格出现了飞涨。
- He made the jump from amateur to professional. 他从业余跳到了职业界。
- She made a good jump and won the competition. 她跳得很好,赢得了比赛。
- The jump in profits was unexpected. 利润的飞跃出人意料。
- The jump in oil prices is causing concern. 原油价格的飞涨引起了关注。
- We saw a jump in sales after the new advertising campaign. 在新的广告活动之后,我们看到销量的飙升。
- The sudden jump in temperature caught us by surprise. 温度的突然上升让我们感到吃惊。