partition (noun)
- A partition is a wall or screen that separates one part of a room or vehicle from another.
- A partition is a formal and fairly arbitrary division of a country into two or more separate countries.
- A partition is a structure that is used to separate one part of a room or building from another.
partition (verb)
- If a room or area is partitioned, it is divided into separate parts by walls or screens.
- If a country is partitioned, it is divided into separate countries, often as a result of a disagreement or conflict.
partition (noun)
- A wall or screen that divides one part of a room or vehicle from another.
- The action of dividing something into parts or sections.
partition (verb)
- Divide into parts or shares.
- Divide (a country or territory) into separate, autonomous states.
- The office space was divided by a partition to create separate work areas.(办公空间通过一道隔板划分为独立的工作区域。)
- India and Pakistan were created as separate nations after the partition of British India in 1947.(印度和巴基斯坦是在1947年英属印度分裂后成为独立国家的。)
- The partition between the kitchen and dining area was made of glass.(厨房和餐厅之间的隔墙是玻璃做的。)
- They decided to partition the large conference room into smaller meeting rooms.(他们决定将大的会议室分割成更小的会议室。)
- The country was partitioned into several independent states.(该国被分割成几个独立的国家。)
- The partitioning of the land caused disputes among the neighboring communities.(土地的分割引起了邻近社区之间的争议。)
- The partitioned office cubicles provided privacy for each employee.(被隔断的办公隔间为每个员工提供了隐私。)
- They used bookshelves as partitions to separate different sections of the library.(他们用书架作为分隔墙,将图书馆的不同区域分开。)
- The partitioner helps to divide the hard drive into multiple partitions.(分区器帮助将硬盘划分为多个分区。)
- The partitionable space can be adjusted according to the needs of the event.(可分割的空间可以根据活动的需求进行调整。)
- They decided to separate the office into two sections to accommodate different departments.(他们决定将办公室分为两个部分以适应不同的部门。)
- The project team had to divide the tasks among themselves to complete the work on time.(项目团队必须相互分配任务,以按时完成工作。)
- The report was segmented into different sections for better readability.(为了更好的可读性,报告被分成了不同的部分。)
- The document was divided into several sections to make it easier to navigate.(这份文件被分成了几个部分,以便更容易浏览。)
- The two countries agreed to unite and form a stronger alliance.(这两个国家同意联合起来形成更强大的联盟。)
- They decided to combine their efforts to achieve a better outcome.(他们决定将力量合并以取得更好的结果。)
- The two companies decided to merge and create a larger corporation.(这两家公司决定合并,创建一个更大的公司。)