taxonomic [tæk'sɑːnɒmɪk] (adj.) 1. 分类学的;系统分类的 2. 分类的;分类学的名词
taxonomic (n.) 1. 分类学 2. 分类学研究者词语辨析
taxonomic 和 taxonomical 是同义词,两者可互换使用。词汇扩充
- taxonomically (adv.) 分类学上地 - taxonomist (n.) 分类学家近义词
- systematic (adj.) 系统的;有条理的 - classificatory (adj.) 分类的;分类学的反义词
- unsystematic (adj.) 非系统的;无条理的柯林斯词典
taxonomic (adj.) 1. [adjective ADJECTIVE noun] Taxonomic means relating to the scientific classification of things, especially plants or animals. 例句:...the taxonomic classification of organisms.牛津词典
taxonomic (adj.) 1. Of or relating to taxonomy. 2. Of or relating to taxonomic classification.用法
taxonomic 作为形容词,常用于修饰与分类学相关的名词,如organisms(有机体)、classification(分类)、system(系统)等。例句
- His taxonomic research focused on identifying new species of insects.(他的分类学研究专注于鉴定新的昆虫物种。)
- The taxonomic hierarchy helps to organize and categorize different species.(分类学等级体系有助于组织和分类不同的物种。)
- She is a renowned taxonomic expert in the field of botany.(她是植物学领域中著名的分类学专家。)
- The taxonomic relationship between these two species is still under debate.(这两个物种之间的分类学关系仍存在争议。)
- According to taxonomic studies, this plant belongs to the family Rosaceae.(根据分类学研究,这种植物属于蔷薇科。)
- He published a comprehensive taxonomic guidebook for bird enthusiasts.(他出版了一本针对鸟类爱好者的全面分类学指南。)
- The taxonomic classification of marine organisms is complex due to their diverse nature.(由于海洋生物的多样性,其分类学分类是复杂的。)
- The taxonomist used various morphological characteristics to determine the taxonomic group of the insect.(分类学家使用了各种形态特征来确定昆虫的分类群。)
- His research focuses on the taxonomic relationships among different species of fungi.(他的研究集中在不同真菌物种之间的分类学关系上。)
- Taxonomic studies play a crucial role in understanding the evolutionary history of organisms.(分类学研究在理解生物进化历史中起着至关重要的作用。)
- The taxonomic classification of plants has undergone revisions based on new genetic evidence.(植物的分类学分类根据新的遗传证据进行了修订。)
- The taxonomical analysis revealed distinct differences between the two subspecies.(分类学分析揭示了两个亚种之间的明显差异。)
- She specializes in the taxonomic identification of rare orchid species.(她专门从事罕见兰花物种的分类学鉴定。)
- Modern taxonomic methods involve combining morphological and molecular data.(现代分类学方法涉及将形态学和分子数据相结合。)
- The taxonomic diversity of bacteria is immense, with countless different species.(细菌的分类学多样性是巨大的,有无数种不同的物种。)
- She published a groundbreaking paper on the taxonomic relationships within the primate family.(她发表了一篇关于灵长类家族内分类学关系的创新论文。)
- The taxonomic groupings of plants are based on their evolutionary relationships.(植物的分类群是基于它们的进化关系而建立的。)
- His research aims to resolve the taxonomic confusion surrounding certain insect species.(他的研究旨在解决围绕某些昆虫物种的分类学混乱问题。)
- The taxonomic study of fossils provides insights into ancient ecosystems.(对化石的分类学研究可深入了解古代生态系统。)
- She is conducting a taxonomic survey of butterflies in the region to determine their diversity.(她正在对该地区的蝴蝶进行分类学调查以确定其多样性。)
- The taxonomist identified a new species of fish based on its unique physical characteristics.(分类学家根据鱼类的独特形态特征确认了一种新物种。)