形容词: 1. 柔软的,嫩的 2. 温柔的,体贴的 3. 敏感的,易受伤的 4. 纤细的,娇嫩的 名词: 1. (金融)收购要约,投标要约 2. (法律)偿付票据,支付证明词语辨析
"tender offer"和"offer"的区别: "tender offer"是指一家公司向另一家公司的股东提出的公开收购要约。它通常用于指代收购股权的行为。 "offer"是指提供、提议或报价的行为,可以用于各种情境,不仅限于金融领域。词汇扩充
1. hostile tender offer:敌意收购要约 2. tender offer price:要约价格 3. tender offer period:要约期限 4. tender offer document:要约文件 5. unsolicited tender offer:非要约收购 6. friendly tender offer:友好收购要约近义词
1. takeover bid:收购要约 2. acquisition offer:收购提议 3. buyout offer:买断要约 4. bid offer:竞标要约反义词
没有找到与"tender offer"相关的明确反义词。柯林斯词典
tender offer (noun) A tender offer is an offer to buy a company's shares made by someone who is trying to gain control of that company. Example: The company has received a tender offer from a group of investors.牛津词典
tender offer (noun) An tender offer is an offer to buy a significant number of shares in a company, especially made by a person or company that wants to own more of the shares in that company. Example: The announcement followed a tender offer by the company for 51% of the shares.用法
1. The company received a tender offer from a group of investors. (这家公司收到了一份来自一群投资者的收购要约。) 2. The board of directors is evaluating the terms of the tender offer. (董事会正在评估这份收购要约的条款。) 3. The hostile tender offer was rejected by the majority of shareholders. (大多数股东拒绝了敌意收购要约。) 4. The tender offer price is set at $20 per share. (收购要约价格设定为每股20美元。) 5. The company has launched a friendly tender offer to acquire its competitor. (该公司发起了一项友好的收购要约,以收购其竞争对手。)例句
- The company received a tender offer from a group of investors. (这家公司收到了一份来自一群投资者的收购要约。)
- The board of directors is evaluating the terms of the tender offer. (董事会正在评估这份收购要约的条款。)
- The hostile tender offer was rejected by the majority of shareholders. (大多数股东拒绝了敌意收购要约。)
- The tender offer price is set at $20 per share. (收购要约价格设定为每股20美元。)
- The company has launched a friendly tender offer to acquire its competitor. (该公司发起了一项友好的收购要约,以收购其竞争对手。)
- The tender offer period will expire next week. (收购要约期限将于下周到期。)
- He made a tender offer to buy out the company. (他提出了一项买断公司的要约。)
- The tender offer document contains all the necessary information for shareholders. (要约文件包含了股东所需的所有必要信息。)
- We received an unsolicited tender offer from a competitor. (我们收到了一份来自竞争对手的非要约收购。)
- The company is considering a tender offer for a controlling stake in another company. (该公司正在考虑对另一家公司的控股权发起要约。)
- The shareholders are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the tender offer. (股东们正在讨论收购要约的优势和劣势。)
- The tender offer resulted in a significant increase in the company's stock price. (收购要约导致公司股价显著上涨。)
- The company plans to finance the tender offer through a combination of cash and debt. (该公司计划通过现金和债务的组合来融资收购要约。)
- Investors are closely monitoring the progress of the tender offer. (投资者们正在密切关注收购要约的进展情况。)
- The tender offer is subject to regulatory approval. (收购要约需经过监管部门批准。)
- The company's management recommended that shareholders reject the tender offer. (该公司的管理层建议股东们拒绝收购要约。)
- They are considering launching a tender offer to acquire a majority stake in the company. (他们正在考虑发起一项收购要约,以收购该公司的大多数股权。)
- The tender offer deadline has been extended by two weeks. (收购要约的截止日期延长了两周。)
- The company's shareholders have until Friday to respond to the tender offer. (该公司的股东们有截至周五的时间回应收购要约。)
- The tender offer represents a premium over the current market price of the company's shares. (收购要约相对于该公司股票的当前市价具有溢价。)
- The tender offer is contingent upon the approval of the company's board of directors. (收购要约取决于公司董事会的批准。)