hardline [adjective]- 强硬的,坚决的;毫不妥协的
- 严厉的,严格的
- 极端的,激进的
hardline [noun]- 强硬派,坚决派
- 极端派
hardline和hardliner是相关词汇,指的是持强硬立场或激进政治立场的人。例如,一个强硬派(hardliner)可能会采取坚决的行动,而一个强硬的政策(hardline policy)则是指一种不妥协的立场或政策。
- hardliner [noun]: 强硬派,坚决派
- hard-lining [adjective]: 强硬的,坚决的
hardline [adjective]
- If someone, especially a politician, takes a hardline position on an issue, they take a very strict or extreme view on it and are unlikely to change their mind.(如果某人,尤其是政治家,在某个问题上采取强硬立场,他们对此持非常严格或极端的观点,并且不太可能改变主意。)
- If you describe someone or their policies as hardline, you are critical of them because you think that their policies are strict or extreme.(如果你形容某人或其政策为强硬的,那么你批评他们,因为你认为他们的政策过于严格或极端。)
hardline [noun]
- A hardline is a very strict or extreme view or policy.(强硬立场是一种非常严格或极端的观点或政策。)
hardline [adjective]
- Firm or uncompromising in political stance or policy.(在政治立场或政策上坚定或不妥协。)
1. The president took a hardline stance on immigration, refusing to allow any exceptions.(总统对移民问题采取了强硬的立场,拒绝允许任何例外。)
2. The government has implemented a series of hardline measures to combat terrorism.(政府采取了一系列严厉的措施来打击恐怖主义。)
3. The hardline approach of the company's management has led to a lack of employee satisfaction.(公司管理层的强硬态度导致了员工的不满。)
4. The party leader is known for his hardline views on economic policy.(该党领导人因其对经济政策的强硬观点而闻名。)
5. The hardline faction within the party is pushing for more radical changes.(党内的强硬派别正推动更加激进的变革。)
6. The government's hardline response to the protests has sparked widespread criticism.(政府对抗议活动的强硬回应引发了广泛的批评。)
7. The company's hardline policies have resulted in a decline in customer satisfaction.(公司的严格政策导致了客户满意度的下降。)
8. The hardline leader refused to negotiate with the opposition.(强硬的领导人拒绝与反对派进行谈判。)
9. The hardline approach of the police led to clashes with protesters.(警方的强硬方法导致与抗议者发生冲突。)
10. The hardline stance of the government has drawn criticism from human rights organizations.(政府的强硬立场引来了人权组织的批评。)
11. The hardline policy on drug trafficking has resulted in a significant decrease in illegal drug imports.(对毒品走私的严厉政策导致非法毒品的进口大幅减少。)
12. The hardline leader's popularity among his supporters remains strong.(强硬领导人在支持者中的声望依然很高。)
13. The party's hardline approach to taxation has been met with resistance from the public.(党的对税收的严格态度遭到了公众的抵制。)
14. The president's hardline speech on national security received mixed reactions from the public.(总统在国家安全问题上强硬的演讲收到了公众的褒贬不一的反应。)
15. The hardline faction within the party has called for a complete overhaul of the healthcare system.(党内的强硬派别呼吁对医疗保健系统进行彻底改革。)
16. The student protests were met with a hardline response from the university administration.(学生抗议活动遭到了大学管理层的强硬回应。)
17. The organization's hardline stance on environmental issues has drawn support from activists.(该组织在环境问题上的强硬立场得到了活动人士的支持。)
18. The hardline policies implemented by the government have had a negative impact on the economy.(政府实施的严厉政策对经济产生了负面影响。)
19. The hardline leader was ousted from power after widespread protests.(广泛的抗议活动后,强硬的领导人被赶下台。)
20. The company's hardline approach to cost-cutting has resulted in layoffs.(公司对削减成本的强硬方法导致了裁员。)