形容词: 1. 淫荡的,黄色的(指涉及性行为或裸露的内容) 2. 色情的,下流的,黄色的(指涉及性行为的文字、图片、视频等) 名词: 1. 色情材料,黄色书刊,黄片 2. 色情事业,色情产业词语辨析
1. pornography(名词):正式用语,指色情材料或色情行为。
2. erotica(名词):指艺术性的性描写,与pornography相比较,更加强调艺术性和审美价值。
3. obscenity(名词):指淫秽、猥亵,是一种法律上的概念,视乎于社会和地域的不同而有所差异。
1. pornographic(形容词):色情的,黄色的
2. pornographer(名词):色情作家,黄色书刊作者
3. pornocracy(名词):指以色情作为主题的统治或控制
4. pornotopia(名词):指理想中的色情世界或社会
1. obscenity(名词):淫秽,猥亵
2. smut(名词):黄色书刊,色情材料
3. indecency(名词):淫秽,猥亵
4. erotica(名词):情色文学、艳情文学
5. adult content(名词):成人内容
1. morality(名词):道德,道义
2. decency(名词):正派,正直
3. modesty(名词):谦逊,端庄
1. 这个网站包含大量porns内容。
2. 这本杂志里充斥着pornographic图片。
3. 他被指控制作和传播pornography。
4. 这部电影被评为最佳erotica作品。
5. 这部电视剧展现了大量的obscenity场景。
- 他对porns产生了强烈的兴趣。He developed a strong interest in pornography.
- 这本书包含了大量的porns描写。The book contains a lot of explicit sexual content.
- 他因为拍摄和传播porns而被警方逮捕。He was arrested by the police for filming and distributing pornographic materials.
- 这幅画被认为是艺术中的erotica之作。The painting is considered a masterpiece of erotic art.
- 这部电影充斥着obscenity场景,不适合年轻观众。The movie is filled with scenes of obscenity and is not suitable for young viewers.
- 他们决定封禁网站上的porns内容。They decided to ban pornographic content on the website.
- 这家公司涉及到非法生产和销售porns。The company was involved in illegal production and distribution of pornography.
- 他因为在书店窃取porns而被捕。He was arrested for stealing pornographic materials from a bookstore.
- 这本小说被描述为一部传授爱情和erotica的作品。The novel is described as a work that teaches about love and eroticism.
- 他在社交媒体上发布了一张obscenity图片,引起了公众的愤怒。He posted a picture of obscenity on social media, which caused public outrage.
- 他们决定对porns的制作和传播加以限制。They decided to impose restrictions on the production and distribution of pornographic materials.
- 这个网站提供了大量的adult content。This website provides a lot of adult content.
- 他们将会对porns上的不当内容进行审查。They will review inappropriate content on adult websites.
- 他们认为porns对社会产生了负面影响。They believe that pornography has a negative impact on society.
- 他们呼吁政府采取措施打击porns。They called on the government to take measures to combat pornography.
- 她在报纸上发表了一篇关于obscenity的文章。She wrote an article about obscenity in the newspaper.
- 这个地方经常举办erotic艺术展览。This place often hosts erotic art exhibitions.
- 他被指控制作和销售porns。He was charged with producing and selling pornographic materials.
- 这家公司因为涉嫌在网站上展示porns而受到了指责。The company was criticized for displaying pornography on their website.
- 他们决定对porns制作和传播行为进行调查。They decided to investigate the production and distribution of pornographic materials.
- 她写了一本关于erotica的小说。She wrote a novel about eroticism.