medical insurance
medical insurance:医疗保险形容词
1. medical insurance:医疗保险的名词
1. medical insurance:医疗保险词语辨析
- medical insurance vs health insurance: - 两者大致相同,都指提供医疗费用保障的保险。但在某些语境下,"medical insurance"更强调医疗方面的保障,而"health insurance"更广泛,也包括健康维护、疾病预防等方面的保障。词汇扩充
- medical coverage:医疗保障 - medical expenses:医疗费用 - medical care:医疗护理近义词
- health insurance:健康保险 - health coverage:健康保障反义词
- uninsured:未投保的柯林斯词典
medical insurance:Insurance which pays for medical treatment, usually up to a particular limit, often with deductions for an initial sum and for a proportion of the subsequent costs.牛津词典
medical insurance:Insurance against the cost of medical treatment and expenses.用法
- Do you have medical insurance?(你有医疗保险吗?) - The company provides medical insurance for its employees.(公司为员工提供医疗保险。)例句
- She has medical insurance that covers most of her healthcare expenses.(她有一份医疗保险,可以支付她大部分的医疗费用。)
- It is important to have medical insurance to protect yourself from high healthcare costs.(拥有医疗保险来保护自己免受高额医疗费用的影响是很重要的。)
- He had to pay out of pocket for the medical treatment because he didn't have medical insurance.(他由于没有医疗保险,不得不自掏腰包支付医疗治疗费用。)
- My medical insurance only covers a portion of the prescription medication cost.(我的医疗保险只报销一部分处方药费用。)
- She lost her medical insurance after leaving her job.(她辞职后失去了医疗保险。)
- Many people rely on medical insurance to afford necessary healthcare services.(许多人依靠医疗保险来支付必要的医疗服务。)
- The cost of medical insurance has been rising steadily over the years.(医疗保险费用在过去几年稳步上涨。)
- She had to file a claim with her medical insurance company to get reimbursed for the surgery.(她不得不向她的医疗保险公司提出索赔,以获得手术费用的报销。)
- Some employers offer medical insurance as part of their employee benefits package.(一些雇主将医疗保险作为员工福利套餐的一部分提供。)
- He couldn't afford the treatment without medical insurance.(如果没有医疗保险,他无法负担得起治疗。)
- She has to pay a monthly premium for her medical insurance.(她需要为她的医疗保险支付每月的保费。)
- He was denied coverage by the medical insurance company due to a pre-existing condition.(由于有既往病史,他被医疗保险公司拒绝了保险承保。)
- The medical insurance plan includes coverage for hospital stays and doctor's visits.(这个医疗保险计划包括住院和看医生的报销。)
- Having medical insurance can provide peace of mind in case of unexpected health issues.(拥有医疗保险可以在出现意外健康问题时提供安心感。)
- The government is considering implementing universal medical insurance for all citizens.(政府正在考虑为所有公民实施全民医疗保险。)
- He had to fill out a claim form to request reimbursement from his medical insurance provider.(他不得不填写一张索赔表格,向他的医疗保险提供商申请报销。)
- The medical insurance policy has a deductible that must be paid before coverage starts.(医疗保险政策有一笔免赔额,在保险生效前必须支付。)
- She was relieved to learn that her medical insurance would cover the cost of the surgery.(得知她的医疗保险将支付手术费用,她感到宽慰。)
- He is self-employed and has to purchase his own medical insurance.(他是个体经营者,不得不自己购买医疗保险。)
- Before undergoing the procedure, she checked if it was covered by her medical insurance.(在接受该手术之前,她核实了是否被她的医疗保险所覆盖。)