1. 弹性超高的;超弹性的- 英文释义:exhibiting a very high degree of elasticity
- 相关词汇:elastic, elasticity, stretchiness
- 词语辨析:与elastic相似,但程度更高
- 近义词:superelastic, highly elastic
- 反义词:inelastic, nonelastic
- 柯林斯词典解释:If something is hyperelastic, it is extremely elastic, with a very high degree of elasticity.
- 牛津词典解释:Showing extreme or excessive elasticity.
1. 超高弹性材料- 英文释义:a material exhibiting a very high degree of elasticity
- 相关词汇:material, substance
- 词语辨析:与elastic material相似,但程度更高
- 近义词:superelastic material
- 反义词:inelastic material
- 柯林斯词典解释:A hyperelastic material is one that exhibits a very high degree of elasticity.
- 牛津词典解释:A material that is extremely elastic, with a very high degree of elasticity.
hyperelasticity (noun):超高弹性
hyperelastically (adverb):超高弹性地
- The hyperelastic band stretches to accommodate various sizes.(这种超弹性带子可以伸缩以适应不同尺寸。)
- Hyperelastic materials are widely used in engineering applications.(超高弹性材料广泛应用于工程领域。)
- The hyperelasticity of the material allows it to withstand high levels of stress.(材料的超高弹性使其能够承受高水平的应力。)
- The hyperelastic properties of the rubber make it ideal for shock absorption.(橡胶的超弹性特性使其非常适合吸震。)
- His hyperelastic muscles allowed him to perform incredible feats of flexibility.(他超弹性的肌肉使他能够展示令人难以置信的柔韧度。)
- The hyperelastic band expands and contracts easily without losing its shape.(超弹性带子可以轻松地伸展和收缩而不会失去形状。)
- The hyperelasticity of the material was tested under different temperature conditions.(材料的超高弹性在不同温度条件下进行了测试。)
- Hyperelastic materials have the ability to return to their original shape after being deformed.(超高弹性材料具有在变形后恢复原状的能力。)
- The hyperelasticity of the fabric allows for comfortable movement and flexibility.(这种面料的超弹性使得运动和灵活度更加舒适。)
- Hyperelastic materials have significant applications in the field of biomedical engineering.(超高弹性材料在生物医学工程领域有重要应用。)
- The hyperelastic nature of the material makes it suitable for use in stretchable electronics.(材料的超弹性特性使其适用于可伸缩电子产品。)
- Hyperelasticity in biological tissues allows them to withstand and recover from deformation.(生物组织的超弹性使其能够经受和恢复变形。)
- The hyperelastic behavior of the material was studied under different loading conditions.(材料的超高弹性行为在不同的加载条件下进行了研究。)
- The hyperelastic properties of the material contribute to its durability and longevity.(材料的超弹性特性有助于其耐用性和寿命。)
- The hyperelastic response of the material was analyzed using computational models.(利用计算模型分析了材料的超高弹性响应。)
- Hyperelastic materials have applications in fields such as aerospace engineering and sports equipment.(超弹性材料在航空航天工程和体育器材等领域有应用。)
- The hyperelastic behavior of the material is influenced by its molecular structure.(材料的分子结构会影响其超弹性行为。)
- Hyperelasticity is an important characteristic for materials used in prosthetics.(超高弹性对于假肢材料来说是一个重要特性。)
- The hyperelastic band is designed to provide a secure and comfortable fit.(超弹性带子设计为提供安全舒适的贴合度。)
- The hyperelastic material can be stretched up to five times its original length.(这种超高弹性材料可以被拉伸到原始长度的五倍。)