bringforward 的形容词形式为 bringforwarding。1. 提前的
bringforwarding 的意思是“提前的”或“被提前的”。2. 前置的
bringforwarding 也可以表示“前置的”或“将…放在前面的”。名词
bringforward 的名词形式为 bringforwardment。1. 向前移动
bringforwardment 的意思是“向前移动”或“提前”。2. 前置
bringforwardment 还可以表示“前置”。3. 延期
bringforwardment 也可以指“将某事延期”。词语辨析
bring forward, advance, move forward
bring forward 和 advance 都表示“提前”或“提前发生”。而move forward 则表示“向前移动”。词汇扩充
bring forward 的其他相关词汇包括: - bring forward to:将某事安排到更早的时间。 - bring forward by:将某事提前几天或几个小时。近义词
- advance - move forward - reschedule - expedite反义词
- postpone - delay柯林斯词典
bring forward 在柯林斯词典中的解释如下: 1. 提前;提前发生 - The meeting has been brought forward to next Tuesday. 会议已经提前安排在下周二。 2. 提出;提出讨论 - He brought forward a new proposal during the discussion. 他在讨论中提出了一个新的提案。 3. 提交;提出(证据等) - The prosecution brought forward a witness to testify. 起诉方传唤出一名证人作证。牛津词典
bring forward 在牛津词典中的解释如下: 1. 提前;提前发生 - The date of the exam has been brought forward by two weeks. 考试日期提前了两周。 2. 提出;提议 - The committee brought forward several suggestions for improvement. 委员会提出了几个改进的建议。 3. 提交;提出(证据等) - The defense brought forward new evidence in the trial. 辩护方提出了新的证据。用法
- bring forward 是一个及物动词短语,常用于被动语态。 - 可以使用 bring forward 来表示将某事安排在更早的时间。 - 可以使用 bring forward 来表示将某事提前几天或几个小时。例句
- The meeting has been brought forward to next Tuesday. (会议已经提前安排在下周二。)
- He brought forward a new proposal during the discussion. (他在讨论中提出了一个新的提案。)
- The prosecution brought forward a witness to testify. (起诉方传唤出一名证人作证。)
- The date of the exam has been brought forward by two weeks. (考试日期提前了两周。)
- The committee brought forward several suggestions for improvement. (委员会提出了几个改进的建议。)
- The defense brought forward new evidence in the trial. (辩护方提出了新的证据。)
- They decided to bring the deadline forward by three days. (他们决定将截止日期提前三天。)
- Please bring the meeting forward to next Monday. (请将会议提前到下周一。)
- She brought forward some interesting points in her presentation. (她在演讲中提出了一些有趣的观点。)
- We need to bring forward a solution to this problem. (我们需要提出一个解决这个问题的方案。)
- I will bring forward the payment to next week. (我将把支付日期提前到下周。)
- They decided to bring forward the launch date of the product. (他们决定将产品的发布日期提前。)
- The manager brought forward a new strategy to increase sales. (经理提出了一种增加销售的新策略。)
- I will bring forward my travel plans to accommodate the changes. (我将提前我的旅行计划以适应这些变化。)
- The company decided to bring forward the release of their latest software. (公司决定提前发布他们的最新软件。)
- Please bring forward any issues or concerns you have. (请提出您有的任何问题或担忧。)
- They brought forward evidence to support their claims. (他们提出了证据来支持他们的主张。)
- The project timeline was brought forward due to unexpected delays. (由于意外延误,项目时间表被提前了。)
- We are considering bringing forward the deadline for submissions. (我们正在考虑提前提交截止日期。)
- He brought forward his retirement plans by a year. (他将退休计划提前了一年。)