pistachio /pɪˈstɑːʃɪəʊ/
pistachio /pɪˈstɑːʃɪəʊ/
pistachio和pistachio nut都可以用来指开心果。
pistachio (piˈstɑːʃɪəʊ)
pistachio (pɪˈstɑːʃɪəʊ)
1. I love the taste of pistachios. (我喜欢开心果的味道。)
2. The ice cream parlor has a delicious pistachio flavor. (冰淇淋店有一种美味的开心果口味。)
3. She bought a bag of pistachio nuts from the grocery store. (她从杂货店买了一袋开心果。)
4. The color of her dress was a lovely shade of pistachio. (她的裙子颜色是一种可爱的开心果色。)
1. I enjoy snacking on pistachios while watching movies. (我喜欢一边看电影一边吃开心果。)
2. The pistachio ice cream is the best-selling flavor at the shop. (开心果冰淇淋是这家店最畅销的口味。)
3. She used pistachio paste to make a delicious cake. (她用开心果酱做了一块美味的蛋糕。)
4. He cracked open the pistachio shell to reveal the nut inside. (他打开开心果壳,露出里面的果仁。)
5. The salad dressing had a hint of pistachio flavor. (沙拉酱有一丝开心果的味道。)
6. She sprinkled chopped pistachios on top of the dessert for added crunch. (她在甜点上撒了些切碎的开心果,增加了脆度。)
7. The pistachio trees in the orchard were full of ripe nuts. (果园里的开心果树上结满了熟透的果实。)
8. The pistachio ice cream had a creamy texture and a hint of saltiness. (开心果冰淇淋口感绵密,有一丝咸味。)
9. He added a handful of crushed pistachios to the salad for extra flavor. (他往沙拉里加了一把碾碎的开心果,增添了额外的味道。)
10. The pistachio pudding had a smooth and creamy consistency. (开心果布丁口感顺滑细腻。)
11. She bought a bag of pistachio nuts to snack on during the road trip. (她买了一袋开心果作为公路旅行的零食。)
12. The pistachio gelato had a rich and nutty flavor. (开心果冰激凌有浓郁的坚果味。)
13. He couldn't resist the temptation and ate a whole bowl of pistachios. (他忍不住诱惑,吃了一整碗开心果。)
14. The pistachio orchard was a beautiful sight with its rows of green trees. (开心果果园一片美丽,绿树成行。)
15. The pistachio macarons were a hit at the bakery and sold out quickly. (开心果马卡龙在面包店大受欢迎,很快就卖光了。)
16. He used ground pistachios to coat the chicken for a unique and flavorful crust. (他用碾碎的开心果来裹鸡肉,制作出独特而美味的外皮。)
17. She added a sprinkle of pistachio crumbs on top of the cake for decoration. (她在蛋糕上撒了一些开心果屑作为装饰。)
18. The pistachio milkshake was a refreshing treat on a hot summer day. (在炎热的夏日,开心果奶昔是一种令人清凉的享受。)
19. He bought a bag of roasted pistachios to snack on during the long train journey. (他买了一袋烤开心果,以备长途火车旅行时吃。)
20. The pistachio gelato had a vibrant green color and a creamy texture. (开心果冰激凌呈现出鲜艳的绿色,口感绵滑。)