形容词 1. 分离的,隔离的 (separated or isolated from others) - The school was still segregated in the 1960s.这所学校在20世纪60年代仍然是种族隔离的。 2. (按照种族、性别等)分开的,分隔的 (separated or divided according to race, gender, etc.) - The town had segregated neighborhoods.
这个城镇有分区隔离的社区。 名词 1. 隔离,分离 (the act of separating or isolating) - The policy of segregation was abolished in the 1960s.
种族隔离政策在20世纪60年代被废除了。 2. (美国南方的) 种族隔离制度 (a system of racial segregation in the southern United States) - Segregation was a major issue during the civil rights movement.
segregated 和 separated 都有“分离、隔离”的意思,但 segregated 更强调按照某种特定标准(如种族、性别)进行分离,而 separated 则更普遍地表示物体或人被分开。词汇扩充
1. segregationist: 种族隔离主义者 2. desegregate: 废除种族隔离 3. integration: 融合,整合 4. racial discrimination: 种族歧视近义词
isolated, separated, divided, detached反义词
integrated, inclusive, integrated, desegregated柯林斯词典
形容词 1. If people or things in a place are segregated, they are separated from other people or things of a different type or group. 2. In a segregated society, people of different races, sexes, or religions are strictly separated. 名词 1. Segregation is the official practice of keeping people apart, usually people of different sexes, races, or religions.牛津词典
形容词 1. Set apart from the rest or from each other; isolate or divide. 2. (of a school or other establishment) requiring separate socially disadvantaged classes for pupils of different races or ethnic backgrounds. 名词 1. The action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. 2. The enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.用法
- Segregated is often used to describe situations where people or groups are separated based on their race, gender, or other characteristics. - Segregated can be used as an adjective before a noun or as a verb in the past tense.例句
- The school was segregated into different classrooms for boys and girls. (形容词)
- 这所学校按照男女分开设有不同的教室。
- Segregated neighborhoods in the city have led to social divisions. (形容词)
- 城市中的种族隔离社区导致了社会的分裂。
- Racial segregation was a major issue during the civil rights movement. (名词)
- 种族隔离是民权运动期间的一个重要问题。
- The policy of segregation has been abolished in many countries. (名词)
- 许多国家已经废除了种族隔离政策。
- The city implemented measures to desegregate schools and promote integration. (动词)
- 该城市采取措施废除学校的种族隔离,并促进融合。
- Segregated seating on public transportation was common in the past. (形容词)
- 过去在公共交通工具上有种族隔离的座位安排是常见的。
- She fought against racial segregation and worked towards equality. (名词)
- 她为反对种族隔离而奋斗,致力于平等。
- Segregated facilities for different races were prevalent during the apartheid era. (形容词)
- 在种族隔离时期,不同种族的设施是普遍存在的。
- They lived in a segregated community where everyone looked the same. (形容词)
- 他们生活在一个每个人看起来都一样的隔离社区。
- Segregation based on religion is a violation of human rights. (名词)
- 基于宗教的隔离是对人权的侵犯。
- After years of segregation, the school finally integrated its students. (动词)
- 经过多年的隔离,学校终于实现了学生的融合。
- Segregated housing policies had a lasting impact on the city's demographics. (形容词)
- 种族隔离的住房政策对该城市的人口统计数据产生了长远的影响。
- Segregation in public places was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act. (名词)
- 《民权法案》废除了公共场所的种族隔离。
- Segregated sports teams were a common sight in the past. (形容词)
- 在过去,种族隔离的体育队伍是常见的景象。
- The school district aimed to reduce segregation by implementing new enrollment policies. (名词)
- 学区通过实施新的入学政策来减少分离。
- Segregated water fountains were a symbol of racial inequality. (形容词)
- 种族隔离的饮水泉是种族不平等的象征。
- She grew up in a racially segregated community where interactions between races were rare. (形容词)
- 她在一个种族隔离的社区长大,种族间的互动很少。
- The protesters demanded an end to the segregation of public schools. (名词)
- 抗议者要求结束公立学校的隔离。
- Segregated seating on buses was a common practice during the era of racial discrimination. (形容词)
- 在种族歧视时代,公共汽车上的隔离座位是一种常见做法。
- The policy of racial segregation was deeply ingrained in society. (名词)
- 种族隔离政策在社会中根深蒂固。
- Segregated neighborhoods often face socioeconomic disparities. (形容词)
- 种族隔离的社区经常面临社会经济差距。